Page 9 - CTI65eng-Emaga
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What’s New Things You
Should Know
1 ‘Single-origin’ dairy milk may
soon be coming to market. The
single-cow milk concept is being
developed by the Dutch food development
company TOP. They say it is creating
technology that will allow farmers
Drinking coffee could boost your themselves to pasteurize and package milk
from individual cows in individual bottles,
chances of a longer life giving them more control over the value
chain and traceability.
In a study of around half-a- drinking habits, medical history
million British adults, coffee and more. The study is also the
drinkers were found to have a first of its kind to suggest health
slightly lower risk of death over benefits in people with so-called
a 10-year follow-up period than genetic glitches affecting how
n o n-c o ffe e drinkers. Th e their bodies react to caffeine.
apparent longevity boost comes Health experts warned people
as yet another piece of good news should not start drinking coffee,
for coffee lovers, with health or increasing their intake, for 2 Solar-powered roaster for
benefits recorded in drinkers of medical reasons. They also warned farmers wins ASME (The
instant, ground and decaffeinated too much coffee for women during American Society of Mechanical
coffee. Published in July 2018 in pregnancy could be harmful. Engineers) award. The hybrid solar
the Journal of the American Other studies have claimed roasting machine captures and stores
Medical Association’s JAMA substances in coffee might reduce energy through solar panels while also
Internal Medicine, NCI researchers inflammation and improve how roasting directly through a series of
analyzed information provided by the body uses insulin, which could angled mirrors that generate heat
approximately 500,000 people, decrease the likelihood of directly from sunlight up to 200℃
who answered questions about developing diabetes. within a hand-rotated steel drum above
coffee consumption, smoking and a hand-powered cooling tray.
3 Starbucks announced that their
stores will completely phase out
plastic straws by the year 2020,
following its hometown of Seattle’s
initiative to be the first American city to
go completely strawless. Starbucks says
that the eco-friendly move will keep an
estimated 1 billion straws out of the
ocean per year, according to the
company’s website.