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c Editorial
Summer is the greenest season of all. And that is when most of us start Managing Editor
practicing more actively healthy habits and healthy eating. Green living has been
somewhat as a trend for the last couple of years now, because people are trying to Sam Tanadej Kamonchan
incorporate more and more lifestyle changes in their daily routines, to live in a way
that harms the environment as little as possible, that way helping to preserve our Coffee t&i ( China )
planet and ecosystem. Part of this trend is plant-based diet. How can a coffee lover
live in a way that harms the environment and change his or her habits? In this issue Chief Editor: Nicole Ou
English Editor: Dasha Kartasheva
we wanted to talk about plant-based option for coffee industry, options that do not Editorial Team: Yazmin Su, Annie Zhu
harm our plant, but bring only pure goodness to us and our environment. Graphic Designer: Hanna, Hailong Fang,
Discovering plant-based milks, we checked out what coffee shops in Istanbul Yadi Liu
can serve you almond milk latte. It seems that the time of change has come: we Publisher
talked to the youngest baristas in the worl that are just starting their coffee careers
as well as to the new World Barista Champion and first female champion ever, Coffee t&i (China)
Agnieszka Rojewska. As changing always takes an effort, we also tried to RM1103B, No.222 Huaihai Zhong Rd.,
understand how to make coffee production in Colombia better and more attractive Huangpu District
for farmers. In tea section you will discover two Canadian entrepreneurs that are Shanghai, China
Tel: +86 21 6333 9299
striving to help coffee farmers! How? Just go to page 96. Email:
And of course we also always try to change and try new things: in “A Cup
of Starry Night” you will find a story of how Van Gogh created his masterpieces The contents of this publication may not
while sipping his black coffee, the whole story is based on Van Gogh’s personal be reproduced in whole or in part without
letters to his friends. For dessert we kept the sweetest treat: ice cream. But even written permission from the publisher
ice cream can be plant-based. And summer is the best season to try it all: non- Cover
diary gelato, coffee and switching to healthier habits. As someone said, it takes Photographer Leo Liu
us only 21 days to form a new habit. Why not to try?
Dasha Kartasheva
I would love to hear your ideas for next issues and we
are always open for new contributors:
Make sure you follow Coffee t&i everywhere
Contributors Our latest Shanghai Coffee
Guide is one scan away
Karl Wienhold
Coffee lover and founder of Direct Origin Trading.
Anna Kot
Passionate vegetarian, traveler and activist.
Freya Zhao
Art lover, coffee enthusiast from China.
To update Coffee Society
Evaa Chen news, please visit
Tea master from Taiwan.
Hongwu Guo
China Gelato Master, chef of AmiGelato in Fujian Province.