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c Management
Simple and sharp design of cold brew for sophisticated Korean customers. Shopping Online
Bean Brothers allow you to shop online at
coffee to people, but that they share an The brand’s main customers are
experience, where coffee takes a big composed of 2 groups - people who
part. It has always been important for are aware of the coffee quality, and
them to be perceived as a “lifestyle people who love the brand, they are
brand”, because coffee itself is always a mostly 20-40 years old, millennial
part of our lives: it can stand alone, but generation. That is why Bean Broth-
most of the time it is an important back- ers wants to be seen more than just
ground of our daily life - at our work, at a coffee company, but as a lifestyle
dates or meet-ups and in every-day situ- brand, attracting new audience with
ations. This is how the company decided new collaborations and ideas to make
to introduce general-customer oriented the brand more interactive and excit-
events like coffee&film nights, coffee + ing. As they claimed 5 years ago to
yoga classes, coffee & music evenings, be everyone’s coffee guide, today in
whisky tasting, public talks etc., bringing the age of transparency and flexibil-
new people to their coffee shops and ity, Bean Brothers is one of the great
giving new experience to old brand’s examples of how companies can learn
fans. And indeed, adding something else from their customers and stay wide
to coffee classes can bring more people open to their always-changing re-
that might never even been interested quirements. Alex Castellarnau, Head
in just brewing filter coffee. The cus- of Design at Dropbox, in an interview
tomer experience and the purchasing for Forbes put it this way: “A new
decision are now a social experience. brand, service or product is only
Bringing new experience to digitally started by the company; it’s finished
connected customers creates positive by the customers. Millennials are a
word of mouth that works better than generation that wants to co-create
any advertising or promotion. “We try the product, the brand, with you.
to match every customers’ needs, con- Companies that understand this and
sidering their knowledge and experience figure out ways to engage in this co-
level in coffee, their taste and that’s how creation relationship with millenni-
they get into us.” als will have an edge.”