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On Monday 19th January, also in plated desserts and “Mini sweet jewel” senting one of the status symbols that has
the Pastry Arena, the spotlight was on rings, the contestants will stage a “cat- made Italian-made products great, Ferrari:
the Great Italian Pastry Masters, who will walk” of amazing Haute Couture pastry a Man, a Car, a Dream. The endeavors of a
compete for the title: Italian Senior Pastry creations. Conversely, there was never a personality that with his creations left an
Championship (over-23 years of age). The Pastry King Competition, exhale, may be indelible mark in the annals of time were
finalists will fight it out on the theme “Pas- next year? based on a feeling and passion that will be
try’s DNA”, interpreting and anticipating For all five days, the Pastry Arena a stimulus for putting the creative skills of
the best of Italian-made products. Also, venue will spotlight the sculptures of sugar artists from all over the world to the
on the19th of January the spotlight will the International Star of Sugar Contest, test. There will be eight contestants, four
be on the 4th Coppa Italia della Pasticceria the competition dedicated to sugar. An Italian and four foreign: from France (2)
Artistica (Italian Artistic Pastry Cup). This authentic gallery of works of art repre- Japan and Portugal.
year’s theme is “Cinema. The fascination
of the Seventh Art”. It was interpreted
by 10 participants, authentic cake design
artists, selected by the online contest, who
will be judged by a panel of experts on
aesthetics and taste. On Tuesday the 20th.
The program also includes another great
competition, the Italian heats to select
the Italian contestant in the 2016 Pastry
Queen competition. The three contestants
in the finals will have to base their entries
on the theme “Stylists and Haut Couture”.
With their sugar or chocolate sculptures,
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