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that high-temperature heating can provide continuous and   penetrate into the individual coffee particles before
              relative dry steam output.                       commencement of extraction, therefore requiring less pres-
                                                               sure to extract the soluble elements of the coffee.
              The first VP-Variable Pressure                       Regardless of the extraction of espresso, experimenta-
                                                               tion is the key to get the best coffee.
                  In order to get a perfect cup of coffee, the pressure of   “The best coffee is the coffee you like.”
              the espresso extraction plays a very important role.  WPM machines are hand built under the best quality
                  That pressure can be varied during extraction gener- ally   of manufacturing. Our innovative design and technolo- gies
              exists in the most high-end commercial coffee ma- chine.   enhance home coffee brewing like a professional. WPM
              Different pressure curves can produce different flavor in the   machines are also perfect professional tools for baristas in
              extraction process. By changing brewing pressure during   every corner of the world. Brewing a decent cup of coffee
              extraction, user can achieve the vari- ance of the balance and   with science is full of fun and we love to share.
              taste of coffee even with the same kind of coffee beans.  WPM currently has over 50 experience centers (WPM
                  In order to bring this brewing technology into prac- tice,   Coffee Lab) and almost 100 dealers in mainland, Hong Kong
              WPM introduced KD-310VP, which allows home baristas to   and Macau. We also export our products to Asian market,
              control pressure throughout the extraction process directly.   such as Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam,
              KD-310VP is the latest WPM espresso machine with the   etc. Number of countries are increasing. WPM cares about
              capability to vary pressure. You can afford to brew your cof-  coffee culture promotion. We held many coffee-related joint
              fee with a superb machine at reasonable price and control   activities with other coffee schools, shops and associations
              brewing pressure by us- ing our proudly introduced pressure   to gather coffee lovers and to articulate baristas’ skills in
              control buttons. You are able to bring out different flavor   coffee industry. We want to share our coffee science with
              components to effect the balance and body of the shot, and   coffee industry, with baristas, with coffee lovers and most
              tends to produce a rounder, softer espresso that highlights   importantly with you.
              brightness, sweetness, and delicate notes.
                  You can control brewing pressure by simply pressing
              the two red ring buttons. This opens up infinite possi- bilities
              for varying the quality of extraction and is the most exciting
              advancement in home espresso machines today which can
              extract the sweetness out from the coffee easily.
                  KD-310VP also have 4 types of pre-infusion settings .
              Lower pressure extraction at the beginning can help barista   For More information about WPM
              to have good pre-infusion. It enables water to       please visit our website:

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