Page 88 - #56 English
P. 88

Origin Journey

                                        2/1: Kochere gr. 1 is purchased (it’s a full container lot, 320
                                        x  60kg  bags)    2/8:  Inspections  and  paperwork  are                    C
                                        completed   2/10: Kochere arrives at warehouse in Addis                     M
                                            2/11: Kochere is first cupped and evaluated by the buyer
                                            2/12: sample is sent out to a potential client    2/17:
                                        sample arrives at client’s lab for evaluation   2/18: sample
                                        is roasted   2/20: sample is cupped and let’s assume,
                                        approved   2/21: Kochere goes into the queue for                           CY
                                        mechanical and hand sorting at the exporter’s facility                     CMY
                                        2/28: Kochere is ready for export   3/1: earliest possible
                                        departure date from the exporter to Coffee Liquoring Unity
                                        (CLU) for final inspection before export   3/4: container
                                        is approved for export by CLU   3/5: departure from Addis
                                        to Djibouti   3/10: container arrives to Djibouti port
                                        3/15: container departs from port   4/15: container arrives
                                        at arrival port   4/22: container is stripped at arrival
                                        warehouse   4/24: earliest possible loading to the roaster

                   The above timeline is based on the following   export nearly impossible. All of the above also assumes
               assumptions:                                 that the export facility is functioning at top efficiency
               1. Absolutely every step occurs without incident  and capacity.
               2. Only one lot is in the container.             As you can see, all the beautiful Ethiopian coffees
                   In reality, many importers purchase containers   being offered at cafes around the world have travelled
               that are made up of at least two different lots (it   a long way not only geographically, but also having
               can go up to ±5). Each of these lots have to go   passed through many hands, offices, and facilities before
               through the above process and then be approved   even being loaded onto a ship. The next time you are
               by the client for purchase. Getting five lots coming   wondering why your coffee is taking so long to arrive at
               from different warehouses with the exact cup   your roastery, remember that your exporter and their
               characteristics that the client likes and then getting   team is working with many factors and people in order to
               those lots and hand sorted for export makes March   ship the coffee to you as quickly as possible.

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