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Rocky Roaster in 1996 and focused on both wholesale and a coffee roastery that produces over 1000 tons of roasted
retail specialty coffee.He joined the Roasters Guild and was coffee annually. Aside from being certified as an Authorized
voted on to the Executive Council (BOD). During 5 years in SCAE Trainer, he also has SCAA Roaster certification. James
that role, Rocky ran the Coffees of the Year competition and served as Rocky’s assistant in 2016 when Rocky taught SCAE
assisted in the development of the Roaster Certification Roasting Professional at JASBLEU Coffee Academy, and he
program.Rocky invested many hours of teaching and assist- is also the leading assistant of the Q Grader courses.
ing in the development of the Q-Grader certification materi-
als. He became one of the first five certified instructors of •Experienced Team of Assistants JASBLEU Coffee
this system. Rocky is also one of the first R-Grader (Robusta Academy always ensures the students who come for coffee
coffee) Instructors.Rocky Roaster joined the Woodland Hills courses are well supported and assisted. The number of as-
– Tarzana Chamber of Commerce later and was elected to sistants is determined by the class size each time to ensure
the Board of Directors.After selling Rocky Roaster in 2009, all equipment and coffee preparations are well done and the
Rocky founded International Coffee Consulting. The pri- students are always well assisted.
mary focus of the company is training classes in Q-Grader
certification, R-Grader Certification, SCAA certified classes Extra Student Service
and custom trainings for employees.ICC has clients in sev-
eral countries. Throughout the intense professional coffee training
The JASBLEU Coffee Academy Q Grader course stu- courses, JASBLEU Academy not only provides breakfast and
dents who had Rocky as instructor in 2016 will agree that lunch, but also has a wide selection of snacks to help to fuel
Rocky is a very strict and disciplined teacher, but he always students’ brains. Snacks include but not limited to and as-
shares this tip to pass Q Grader exams – to relax. He helps sortment of bread,imported cheese and ham, waffle, pizza,
students to be as relaxed as possible in face of the exams, salad and fruits. Student shuttle service is also provided
while executing the class and exams with clear and strict daily.
instructions. JASBLEU Coffee Academy now owns training facility
of hundreds of square meters. The academy invested millions
•The Trainers of World Brewers Cup Third Place Win- of Chinese Yuan to establish highly professional and well-
ner Chad Wang Amongst the instructors of JASBLEU Cof- equipped training facility and R&D lab. We strive to provide
fee Academy are two low-key but highly professional instruc- all if not more than what specialty coffee courses require of
tors – they are the assistants and trainers of 2016 World campus facility. Aside from the Shanghai Headquarters,
Brewers Cup Third Place Winner, Chad Wang. They helped JASBLEU Coffee Academy now also has campuses at Cheng-
Chad through every practice – roasting coffee, recording data du, Shenzhen, Nanning, Xinjiang, and Shenyang, providing
and suggesting modifications in brew method and perfor- more selection and convenience to coffee lovers all over the
mance. Ms. Ling Chang, is the SCAE Brewing Instructor. If world to acquire professional training and knowledge of
you would like to learn the extraction methods behindWBrC specialty coffee.
Third-Place Winner’s recipe, then do not miss her class! The
other trainer, Ms. Qing Yu, is adept at roasting Ninety Plus
Coffee. She is JASBLEU Coffee Academy’s leading assistant
in SCAE Roasting; she also assists in Q Grader courses.
•Roasting Instructor with a M.S. Food Science and
Engineering Degree Our SCAE Roasting instructor, Mr. For more details:
James Cheng is a Master of Science in Food Science and
Engineering. Needless to say, he has had many years of coffee
roasting experience, and is in charge of quality control over FB: jascaffechina Wechat: wcyuhanh