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              Internationally Certi ed:

              COFFEE ACADEMY

              Rocky Rhodes Continues Q-grader Courses for 2017

               SCAE & SCAA Certified Coffee Academy           ity through a scientific way and discuss coffee in a common
                                                              language, hence this is a key linkin the coffee industry.
                   For over a decade, JASCAFFE has based its focus on   The Q-Grader Course at the JASBLEU Coffee Academy
               specialty coffee education and training, and in April 2013,   is a nine-day training course including the Pre-Q Grader
               JASBLEU Coffee Academy was established in Shanghai.   course. Through solid knowledge and intensive training, this
               JASBLEU Coffee Academy has been unanimously approved   helps students to successfully exceed in their Q-Grader Cer-
               as a corporate member by both SCAA (Specialty Coffee   tification exams.
               Association of America) and SCAE (Specialty Coffee As-  Our Q-Grader course is fully bilingual and is inter-
               sociation of Europe), and has many SCAE AST (Authorized   preted by a certified AST and Q-grader.Mr. Rocky Rhodes
               SCAE Trainer) and CQI certified Q-Graders (Coffee Qual-  has agreed to continue teaching Q-Grader courses at JASBLEU
               ity Appraiser). The Coffee Academy has then taught   Coffee Academy for 2017.
               courses such as SCAE Brewing, Roasting, Barista course and
               CQI-certified Q-grader courses.                    TEACHERS
                   The Academy is also equipped with top-notchhardware
               from around the world, such as Diedrich Roaster, customized
               Slayer, Conti Espresso Machine, Ditting Grinders, Curtis
               Drip Brewer…etc. Lastly, the Academy is equipped with a
               SCAA certified coffee cuppingroom that can accommodate
               24 students simultaneously.
               Q-Grader Course                                    •Q-Grader Instructor and Master - Rocky Rhodes
                                                                  Mr. Rocky Rhodes is one of the first Q-Graders in the
                   The Q-Grader Certificate is a coffee certification for   world, and he was the instructor of many active Q Grader
               professionally  accredited cuppers  accredited by CQI.   instructors, so we respectfully call him Master.
               Through training and examinations, certified Q-Graders has   Rocky has been active in the specialty coffee movement
               the ability to consistently and accurately assess coffee qual-  for over 18 years. He founded a coffee roasting company,

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