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What kind of world would it be without Luigi The drink that was served, at the beginning, in these
Bezzera? To the ones who read this name for first time, cafès was prepared by infusion, simply boiling it. It was
it might not say too much. In the history of industrial something completely different than the espresso coffee
inventions, however, this man represented what Steve consumed and known nowadays all over the world. Its birth
Jobs has been for the high-tech world: a great innovator is linked to the invention of a specific coffee machine that al-
of the twentieth century. lowed the special preparation of coffee; and this is where the
Let’s try to answer a simple question: what kind of brilliant character of Luigi Bezzera takes over.
world would it be without espresso coffee? The connec- The beginning of the twentieth century was a very
tion: Luigi Bezzera was the creator of the first espresso fruitful period for Europe. The continent was concerned
coffee machine and its concept. An amazing invention by strong technological development and confidence in the
which has changed the idea and the way of this drink. future. It started the development to a process of industrial
The link between Luigi Bezzera’s country, Italy, mechanization, leading to production in series, which deeply
and coffee is very tight: it’s in the “Bel Paese” (beauti- marked society and the uses and customs of people.
ful country) that the first coffee house has been created In this historical-social context, on November 19, 1901,
and still today “espresso” and “cappuccino” are well Luigi Bezzera deposited the patent of the first model of
known and appreciated all over the world as a symbol espresso machine. The heart of the project was the invention
of “Made in Italy” of the filter holder system, still in use today. In 1906, at the
Since the beginning, Italy has been the first first International Exhibition in Milan, Bezzera presented to
getaway to the Western World. In 1570 the first load the public its ingenious invention, inaugurating the era of
of precious coffee beans arrived in Venice, and even espresso coffee.
there, during the seventeenth century were inaugu- Compared to the past, this new technology allowed to
rated the first cafès, allowing the stand out of historical prepare the drink at the same time that the customer ordered
cafès such as “Florian” in Venice and “Greek Coffee” it. From this extraordinary feature comes the expression
in Rome. “Coffee Espresso”, coined by Luigi Bezzera and still used