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        Global Recognition and Future Prospects        highlights  the  importance  of  this  event  in  promoting
                                                       Panamanian  coffee  globally.    The  sense  of  community
            Panama’s coffees, particularly the renowned Geisha   and shared purpose is palpable at these events, driving
        variety, have earned a stellar reputation on the global stage.   the industry forward.
        Boram’s victory at the World Barista Championship with   Looking ahead, Panama’s specialty coffee industry is
        a Panamanian coffee brought significant attention to the   poised for further growth and innovation. The upcoming
        country’s  exceptional  beans.  “Winning  the  WBC  with   World of Coffee trade show in Panama, the first in Central
        Panamanian coffees was amazing,” Boram states.  America, is a significant milestone. “It’s a significant ac-
            The Best of Panama auction plays a crucial role in this   complishment.  The  Specialty  Coffee  Association  chose
        international acclaim. As Hunter notes, “BoP impacts Pan-  Panama for the first World of Coffee in a producing coun-
        amanian coffee by providing recognition and higher prices,   try, recognizing our quality, ” Hunter explains.
        benefiting all producers, even those not competing. It also   Technological  advancements  and  continuous  im-
        breaks barriers for the specialty coffee world, setting new   provements in processing techniques will also play a key   Whheenn  aauuttoommaattiicc
        standards and expectations.” The auction not only high-  role in the industry’s future. These advancements will
        lights the best coffees but also sets benchmarks for quality   help Panama maintain its position at the forefront of the
        and innovation that resonate worldwide.        specialty coffee world.                                      p peerrffeeccttiioonn  llooookkss  lliikkee
            Community and collaboration are integral to Pana-  The focus on sustainability and regenerative agricul-
        ma’s success in the specialty coffee industry. The part-  ture, exemplified by Black Moon Farm, will continue to be
        nerships between producers, such as the collaboration   a driving force in the industry. By promoting environmen-  “ “mmaaddee  wwiitthh  lloovvee””..
        between Franz and Diego Lecano, showcase the power   tally friendly practices, Panama’s coffee producers are not                                                          information:
        of collective effort in achieving excellence. “Our growth   only  ensuring  the  long-term  viability  of  their  farms  but
                                                                                                                    Wiitthh  tthhee  SScchhaaeerreerr  CCooffffeeee  SSoouull  22--sstteepp,,  yyoouu  ttaakkee  mmiillkk
        has been rapid, achieving goals we thought would take   also setting an example for the global coffee community.  W
        five years within our first or second year,” Franz remarks,   As the industry continues to evolve, Panama’s coffee   f frrootthhiinngg  iinnttoo  yyoouurr  oowwnn  hhaannddss  ––  ffoorr  ssiimmuullttaanneeoouuss
        attributing much of this success to the support and col-  producers  remain  at  the  forefront  of  innovation,  setting
                                                                                                                    p prreeppaarraattiioonn,,  mmaaxxiimmuumm  fflleexxiibbiilliittyy,,  aanndd  ppeerrffeecctt  rreessuullttss..
        laboration within the coffee community.        new benchmarks and inspiring the global coffee commu-
            The BoP auction itself is a testament to this collab-  nity. The future of Panama’s specialty coffee industry is
        orative spirit, bringing together producers, judges, buy-  bright, and its journey of excellence and innovation shows
        ers,  and  enthusiasts  from  around  the  world.  Fan  Dian   no signs of slowing down.

     100                                                                                                                                                                          Schaerer Coffee Soul. We love it your way.

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