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Hunter notes, “This year, we doubled the usual number of
guest cuppers from twenty to forty-two, to host more cof-
fee lovers, buyers, and roasters, and to promote Panama-
nian coffee on a larger scale.”
Fan, founder of GrandCru Coffee and an internation-
al judge for BoP, emphasizes the rigorous evaluation process
At GrandCru, team members carefully select and that ensures only the highest quality coffees are showcased.
taste each bean to find great coffee that balance every “Panamanian producers continue to promote Panamanian
note and aroma. This commitment to excellence is evi- coffee. They consistently strive to pick the best of the best
dent in Fan’s role as a BoP judge, where her refined each year,” she says, underscoring the dedication and me-
palate and deep understanding of coffee quality contrib- ticulous effort put into each submission.
ute to the rigorous evaluation process. Innovation is at the heart of the BoP auction, driv-
Boram Um’s historic win as the 2023 World Barista ing continuous improvement in coffee quality. Franz
Champion marked a significant milestone in the coffee attributes much of his success to the innovative spirit
industry, not only for Brazil but also for Panama. Repre- that permeates the Panamanian coffee industry. “When
senting Brazil at the World Barista Championship and we started this project, we focused on understanding the
World Brewers Cup in Greece, Boram’s victory brought impact of microbes on the final cup of coffee. Our goal
unprecedented attention to Panamanian coffee, which he is to produce clean, consistent coffees rather than just
used during the competition. aiming for unique or funky flavors,” Franz explains. This
As a guest cupper at the BoP auction, Boram’s insights scientific approach to coffee processing has yielded re-
and experiences highlight the exceptional quality of Pan- markable results, as evidenced by Lost Origin’s strong
amanian Geisha. He praises it as “truly inspirational,” citing performances in the BoP competition.
its unique combination of variety and terroir. His endorse- The auction also provides a platform for showcas-
ment of Panamanian coffee underscores the global impact ing the diverse and complex profiles of Panamanian
of the BoP auction and the continuous improvement in coffee. Boram, the 2023 World Barista Champion, high-
quality that Panamanian producers strive for each year. lights the exceptional quality of the coffees he judged
Boram’s success story is a testament to the global reach and at BoP. His endorsement of the coffees presented at BoP
influence of Panama’s coffee industry. speaks volumes about the high standards maintained by
Panamanian producers.
A Platform for Excellence Maintaining the integrity of the competition is para-
mount for SCAP. Hunter elaborates on the measures taken
The BoP auction is more than just a competition; it to ensure fair play in the BoP auction. “We continuously
is a celebration of the country’s finest coffees and a adapt our methods to address new challenges. For instance,
testament to the dedication and innovation of its pro- in the washed Geisha category, we ensure that coffees are
ducers. Organized by SCAP, BoP has become a hallmark judged purely on sensory evaluation,” he explains. By im-
event in the specialty coffee calendar, attracting inter- plementing a scale system to judge the cleanliness and fruity
national judges, buyers, and enthusiasts. notes of coffees, SCAP ensures that only those meeting
Hunter, President of SCAP, reflects on the evolution strict criteria advance in the competition.
of the BoP auction since its inception. “BoP started small SCAP’s stance on infused coffees is also clear, as
28 years ago and has become one of the most important Hunter asserts, “SCAP’s focus is on promoting clean, nat-
coffee competitions globally,” he explains. Over the years, urally produced coffees that reflect our terroir. We do not
the event has grown in sophistication, with more elaborate plan to include categories for infused or altered coffees in
venues, traditional Panamanian costumes, and dances en- BoP.” This commitment to transparency and natural coffee
hancing the overall experience. The increase in the number production aligns with global standards and helps maintain
of guest cuppers is another significant development, as the prestige and fairness of the BoP auction.
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