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Geisha coffee, synonymous with excellence, has a Franz’s journey into coffee began as a hobby, but his
compelling story in Panama. Originally from Ethiopia, it background in beer fermentation provided a robust foun-
was introduced to Panama from Costa Rica’s CATIE agri- dation for exploring coffee’s microbial life. At Lost Origin,
cultural research station in 1963 to combat coffee leaf rust. meticulous control over variables like air quality, water
Initial efforts to cultivate Geisha at low altitudes failed, treatment, and equipment sterilization ensures a clean,
producing poor-quality coffee. For decades, Geisha lan- consistent product. This scientific rigor has allowed Franz
guished in obscurity until 2004, when Finca Esmeralda, a to develop new fermentation protocols that enhance the
pioneering Panamanian farm, isolated its Geisha production natural flavors of coffee, setting new benchmarks for qual-
and entered the beans into the Taste of Panama coffee ity and consistency.
competition. The Geisha not only won but astonished Hunter Tedman’s journey in coffee is one of transfor-
producers with its extraordinary flavor profile, reminiscent mation and dedication to sustainability. As the owner of
of fine Yirgacheffe. This breakthrough put Panama on the Black Moon Farm and President of SCAP, Hunter has been
map as a producer of high-quality Geisha coffee, inspiring instrumental in driving the specialty coffee movement in
other farmers to follow suit. Panama. Situated in Alto Quiel, Boquete, Chiriquí, Black
It is evident that the country’s coffee sector has Moon Farm sits at an elevation of 1,700 to 1,780 meters
evolved from traditional farming methods to embracing above sea level. Once a vegetable farm with degraded soil,
cutting-edge techniques, setting new standards in the it has been revitalized under Hunter’s stewardship through
specialty coffee industry. At the heart of this transfor- regenerative agricultural practices.
mation is the Best of Panama (BoP) auction, a prestigious Hunter’s approach to coffee farming is holistic, focus-
platform that showcases the crème de la crème of Pana- ing on restoring soil fertility and promoting biodiversity.
manian coffee to the world. By planting a variety of tree species to create a forest can-
BoP, organized by the Specialty Coffee Association opy, Hunter supports the growth of coffee trees while en-
of Panama (SCAP), has not only elevated the global sta- hancing the ecosystem. This commitment to sustainability
tus of Panamanian coffee but also fostered a culture of is reflected in Black Moon Farm’s high-scoring Geisha va-
relentless innovation and excellence among local pro- rieties, which have earned top marks at the BoP competition.
ducers. This auction serves as both a stage for competi- As President of SCAP, Hunter is a vocal advocate for
tion and a crucible for experimentation, where the best innovation and education in the coffee sector. He empha-
minds in the industry push the boundaries of coffee sizes the importance of processing and sensory skills, en-
quality and processing techniques. couraging small producers to become skilled cuppers. “The
best coffees in competitions often come from the best
Introducing the Visionaries cuppers,” he notes, highlighting the direct link between
sensory expertise and coffee quality. Under his leadership, The Lost Origin team
Transitioning from the world of artisanal craft beer SCAP has implemented educational programs to help farm-
to coffee, Franz Zeimetz has emerged as a pivotal figure ers refine their techniques, ensuring that Panama remains
in Panama’s coffee scene. As the founder and Head of at the forefront of specialty coffee production. PANAMA’S
Coffee at Lost Origin Coffee Lab, Franz brings a unique Fan Dian, founder of GrandCru Coffee, brings a glob-
perspective to coffee processing, grounded in his exten- al perspective to Panama’s coffee industry. Fan has also
sive experience with fermentation. implemented the concept of wine grading in the coffee
Lost Origin Coffee Lab, located above a craft brewery industry, and GrandCru Coffee’s grading system has been SPECIALTY COFFEE
in Panama City, is a testament to Franz’s innovative ap- widely acclaimed. Fan’s expertise as an international judge
proach. Far removed from traditional coffee farms, this lab for the BoP competition underscores her influence in the
thrives on a dynamic trial-and-error methodology, con- specialty coffee world.
stantly pushing the envelope of what’s possible in coffee INDUSTRY IS POISED
processing. By collaborating with top producers across
Panama, Franz and his team have crafted exceptional cof-
fees that have garnered international acclaim, including
notable placements in the BoP competition.
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