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Skills as a Currency needed along with any challenges they may face through-
out their career journey. This helps ensure their success
E S P R E SS 0 As we continue to navigate our way through the within the workplace and beyond.
Big bags
coffee journey, we finally reach the baristas. Baristas are “I’ve been working in the coffee sector for more
Juta bags
often unsung heroes of the coffee industry, working hard than 15 years but when I was starting out it was almost
Grain Pro Transportation
every day to keep up with customer orders and produce impossible to find information about my work as a ba-
a quality cup of coffee. Their knowledge is invaluable, rista,” says Melanie Weldert, Barista and Quality Con-
Storage method providing educational support and guidance to those troller at roaster Rösttrommel Kaffeeröstrerei in Nurem-
Other Processing Blend who wish to learn more about coffee and its preparation. berg, Germany. “The information I needed was on
different internet pages or in books that were out of date.
The current staffing shortages in specialty coffee
Natural suggest that employees expect better contracts, working I’m fascinated by Skillhood’s work on the Coffee Skills
Washed Terroir conditions, and professional development opportunities. Glossary for the simple fact that it’s a simple and easy-
Altitude Despite this, demand for specialty coffee has remained to-use tool. What’s more, it’s relevant not only to baris-
Hard bean Species consistent since the pandemic began. As a result, the tas, but also to skilled employees in Gastronomy.”
Soft bean Origin
Canephora hospitality industry is having difficulty finding and meaningful discussions about progress in frontline work,
Ross aims for Skillhood to become a platform for
keeping skilled workers. Skillhood, a specialized skills
Robusta Arabic application for frontline workers, offers a solution to which can aid businesses in understanding their trans-
this by providing comprehensive collections of skills
formation requirements. By providing frontline workers
Vorietals tailored to individual frontline roles in specialty coffee. with a better employment experience than what is typ-
ically offered, this could create balance between the
These skills are included in the Skillhood Coffee
Skills Glossary. The Coffee Skills Glossary is a solution kinds of jobs needed as we enter into the second quarter
to the problem of competency recognition, introducing of the 21st Century.
skills as a currency. Skillhood’s in-house specialists,
along with independent contributors from the coffee
industry, have provided concise definitions for over 75
coffee skills and 20 transferable skills. Everyone can
contribute to this open forum by adding, defining, ed-
iting or validating a skill - ensuring accuracy and use-
fulness of all terms. The glossary is free and accessible
on any phone.
“We were inspired by the coffee sensory wheel and saying from the world of education to our technical Will Ross, founder of Skillhood, explains, “We set
condensed its concept into a more specific tool for the world. It was in this context that we came up with the up Skillhood to make frontline work safe, dignified and
equipment used to process and extract coffee. This tool idea of sharing our expertise outside the perimeter of prosperous. Maintenance roles that deliver services
brings awareness, clearly demonstrating how many var- our partners, with the largest technical community in in-person and connect supply chains are vital to how
iables can affect extraction and which ones they are. It the industry and beyond. The more competence and economies run, but they’re less visible and undervalued
can be used like a compass, simplifying the search and overview there is throughout the sector, the more every- in society. By improving job seeking and internal mo-
correction of variables or providing correct orientation one benefits, in a more extended concept of corporate bility, the key goal is to make noticeable, structural
in order to obtain the desired result.” social responsibility,” Edgardo says. improvements to a person’s economic security. Never
The Wheel will eventually evolve into a digital tool This Wheel is truly a bridge that connects tech- worrying about being able to pay monthly utility costs
with its own proprietary platform. This platform will nicians, baristas, roasters, and farmers along the would be one example.”
provide users with detailed information on how to op- supply chain. It can also be used as an educational tool Over 50 successful baristas from around the world
erate and calibrate superautomatic machines, as well as in classrooms. Updates are soon to come which will were interviewed to gain insight into how to chart skills
how to handle other beverage options such as milk, include an examination of water’s effect on both ma- effectively across time. The interviews allowed for an
plant-based drinks, hot chocolate, and tea. At the Coffee chines and flavor; a look into espresso machine tech- understanding of how a barista progresses incremental-
Technicians Guild Summit in Italy last November, Ed- nology and its innovations; a comparison between ly through their career, learning new skills through
gardo introduced the Coffee Technicians Wheel to different brewing techniques illustrating how techni- different shifts and colleagues/managers encountered.
promote an understanding of coffee culture and optimal cal aspects alter sensory experiences; plus an analysis By inspecting operations and what employers expect
equipment management. He highlighted how sharing of traditional machine hydraulics and their unique from a given role, it’s theoretically easy to identify the
knowledge and expertise within the sector provides characteristics. If anyone wishes to receive a high-res- necessary skills for a barista. However, parsing these
immense benefits for everyone involved. olution file of the Wheel, or be informed on future skills over time provides the real-life experience of skill
“My opening statement was ‘If you think training infographics, they are welcome to write to technical. acquisition. It is essential that those in this profession Skillhood Coffee
is expensive, try incompetence’, transposing a famous are able to develop their abilities and adapt them as Skills Glossary
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