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C                                                       SERIES
                          PRECISE CONTROL
 “Our research provides a practical framework for the
 coffee industry to better understand how the relationship
 between roast color and time affects flavor. Our investigation
 sets out a solid scientific foundation for prioritizing color,   BATCH BREWING
 closely followed by development time after first crack, over
 the roast phases that precede it. There is no magic bullet in
 identifying derivatives in the roast curve. Factors such as rate
 of rise (ROR), while important, fall lower in the order of
 priority in product development and quality control proce-
 dures than the end color of a roasted coffee.”
 It is almost as if some coffee roasters follow complicat-
 ed routes instead of a more direct path to the finish line. This
 often results in a lot of trial and error with little understand-
 ing of the process. At the end of the day, it’s all about keeping
 Keeping it Simple  it simple. If scientific data proves that color is the most im-
 portant roast parameter with regard to flavor and aroma, then
 But in order for you to taste and smell all these attributes   why not focus on that? To make things easier, Morten devel-
 that coffee has to offer, there is a very important step that   oped a color palette that allows roasters to compare and re-
 needs to happen first: the roast process. The roast is a very   search the colors of different coffees.
 important step in coffee processing, as it is responsible for   The central reference color is surrounded by compart-
 developing the coffee bean’s flavor and aroma. The roast   ments where samples can be added during roasting. As the
 levels can range from light to dark and each level will produce   beans are roasted, they become darker and eventually match
 a coffee with different flavor and aroma profiles. At least that   the central color. Developed for training and research pur-
 is the general idea. Within the coffee industry, roasting often   poses, this palette allows roasters to have a more objective
 seems like an intimidating process and many people (e.g.   approach in their decision-making process when it comes to
 baristas) feel hesitant to move into this area of coffee making.   roast profiles. The beauty of this tool is that it gives roasters
 The key to roasting is to understand and control the   a way to document and compare the roast profiles of coffees
 parameters that will produce the desired results regarding   with each other.
 quality and consistency. However, the coffee community   Morten strongly believes that anyone can roast coffee
 often falls down rabbit holes of debates over the “best” way   and do it well just by understanding and controlling a few
 to roast coffee. The issue with these debates is that they are   parameters. “If we focus on the primary roast-control param-
 often based on opinions and not reliable scientific data. There   eters that have the greatest impact on sensory outcomes,
 also seems to be a disregard when it comes to the color pa-  rather than the secondary derivatives that may not, we allow
 rameter. While the significance of roast color in specialty   ourselves more time for relevant activities such as exploring
 coffee is considered an important parameter, there appears   customer preferences to inspire product development. More-
 to be much confusion as to how significant it is as a quality   over, if we follow where science leads us and take a more
 control tool. When it comes to the color of roasted coffee,   simplified and systematic approach to coffee roasting, we can
 there is a wide range of hues that can be produced. Descrip-  serve the coffee community with greater quality, consistency
 tions such as “light,” “medium” and “dark” roast may be de-  and, above all, confidence.”
 ceptive because they are quite vague.  In the end, it’s important to understand that just because
 CoffeeMind Academy set out to investigate different   science can help us understand the different parameters at
 roasting conditions that can impact coffee flavor and provide   play in roasting, doesn’t mean you have to be a scientist to
 some clarity on the subject. They partnered with the Depart-  roast coffee. It is actually quite the contrary; realizing how   ICBA Coffee Brewer for  ITCBA Tea & Coffee Brewer  ICBA Coffee Brewer with
 ment of Food Science at the University of Copenhagen and   simple it can be can make you more confident and allow you   ThermoFresh  and Airpot Servers  brews into a variety of server types  Soft Heat  Technology
 the SCA and in May 2020, they published their findings in an   to focus on other important aspects of your business. So,   The exclusive Peak Extraction  Sprayhead provides improved
 article titled Roasting Conditions and Coffee Flavor: A Multi-  what’s the bottom line? It is important that we try to see the   uniformity of extraction and greater resistance to limescale buildup.
 Study Empirical Investigation. The article is published in an   bigger picture, rather than missing the point by concentrating
 open-access journal and is available to read in full at mdpi.  on the details. This article has actually only very briefly   USB recipe programming.
 com/journal/beverages.  touched upon the topic of color in coffee sensory. There is a   Accommodates a variety of server types.
 Morten explains that the interesting finding was that   lot more to learn and explore on this subject, but hopefully
 the variation in roast timing after first crack, while keeping   this has given you a general idea of the importance of color
 color constant, has an important influence on coffee flavor.   in coffee and has inspired you to investigate further.  BUNN  ˆÃ ̅i œvwVˆ> º œÌ 7>ÌiÀ  ˆÃ«i˜ÃiÀ»   See the latest batch brewing innovations at
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