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Think of it as a concert
ticket or access to a life
changing experience
perhaps. NFT’s possibilities
To recap, NFT is a non-fungible token. The token in itself counterparts, but that is not the case. Each NFT has a unique are many.
is unique and cannot be a replica of another. Tied to this token built-in identifier that can be used to trace their history and
is often a quirky digital art, and with that I’d like to make an proof ownership. The transactions are recorded in a decentral-
assertion that there is no correlation between the eccentricity ized ledger making traceability a huge advantage in this space.
of the art and the value it might sell for. In fact, any piece of
content that even remotely talks about the financial sphere What if the Value Lies in the Utility of the NFT?
comes with a disclaimer such as “this is not financial advice”
and to “do your own research”. If NFT had a synonym, it would be Gary Vaynerchuk. I
With that out of the way, what we are more concerned used to be an avid self-help reader, and one of the first books I
with is the utilitarian aspect of the NFT. Collectibility has its picked up was Crushing It!: How Great Entrepreneurs Build
place, but that is probably for the 1% who understand the spec- Their Business and Influence-and How You Can, Too. Gary is
ificity behind it. While coins, paintings, and other items are not an amateur at spotting trends and when he started talking
popular amongst modern day collectors, NFTs are now treated about NFT, I was also lured into it.
as collectibles and can gain value beyond economics depending The first NFT-ticketed event was created by him called VeeCon.
on factors such as rarity, utility and other factors. It’s all about the experience these NFTs can offer. I see this as anoth-
It may even occur to you that these digital works of art er way of interacting with your favorite brands whilst creating new
can be copied or downloaded much easier than their physical revenue streams and bringing awareness to special causes.
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