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 The pub-based The Dot stands out with its introduc-  Space is More Unique The required atmosphere for
 tion  of  “exotic  flavors”  to  the  city  based  on  its  good   drinking coffee and wine are completely different. That’s
 bartending skills. For example, in its Chengdu store, the   why many cafes failed when they switched to the “day-
 special  “People’s  Park”  is  made  with  black  cardamom   cafe-and-night-pub” mode. Rachel, the owner of The Dot,
 whiskey  and  Jupu  tea,  a  Guangzhou  special  ingredient.   had a friend who opened a cafe and later wanted to add a
 The  drink  comes  with  a  side  snack  of  melon  seeds  to   wine section. When the friend asked for advice, Rachel
 connect the tea culture in the two cities. The day and night   replied, “I really can’t drink in your space. You shall plan
 menus  are  divided  by  taste,  with  coffee,  light  cocktails   the whole design at the beginning to switch between the
 and meals offered during the day and wine at night. In   two atmospheres.”
 terms of creation, the founder goes through local ingre-  When the atmosphere part is done, the rest depends
 dients as well as seasonal fresh fruits to make pairings. In   on the store nature.
 addition, for the daytime coffee creations, compared to   The elements of the space are also factors that can
 cafes  which  focus  on  highlighting  coffee  flavors  when   be explored. In the others, where the customers are main-
 making  creative  specials,  The  Dot  advocates  a  relative   lyborn after 1990 or even 2000, there is a surprise in the
 blend of each other, using cold brew, espresso and wine   space “Dali’s Room”, where the designer has hidden details
 to extract their own flavor levels.  of the painter’s masterpiece “Eternity of Memory” in the
 With a grooming background, PartyHead does not   space. A special drink is also named “Dali”. The design
 spend too much effort on the menu. “Steady quality is   team Mur Mur Lab mentions that “it seems like an eternal
 greater than everything.” During the day, men’s groom-  continuation of the space narrative. It’s a tribute to the
 ing and coffee are the main business. At night, it coop-  artist himself and an allusion to the spiritual layer behind
 erates with Highway Store, a wine convenience commu-  the painting.”
 nity, to bring various types of canned craft brews, as a   In The Dot, some customers come for music. ““They
 way to operate with less pressure and bring more possi-  will call in advance and ask for the song list of the day.”
 bilities  for  the  sense  of  community  which  the  brand   The music in the store are controlled by the owner and
 hopes to create.  are  changed  regularly.  The  customers  are  concentrated
 All the three stores are wise to overlay on their areas   between 20-25 years old, mainly working in clothing and
 of expertise, but in addition to the product that you drink   design or as freelancers, and some are international stu-
                    Photo / WDi
 in your mouth, people also matters, affirm the three own-  dents.
 ers. As the others mentions, “Each ‘person’ in our store   While in PartyHead, parties are a key element of the
 is perhaps another ‘product’ that guests can experience   brand,  just  as  expressed  in  their  slogan:  Celebration  of
 in addition to our drinks.” The brand needs the bartend-  the generations. Their practice is the two weekly parties
 ers  to  have  their  own  understanding  and  knowledge  of   held in the store at South Maoming Road. The owner also   mity of life. These differences can help you distinguish   The Dot chooses to interact with music, perfume and
 flavors and to be able to incorporate their own life expe-  puts all the social needs into this space, thus attracting   your peers, which is a sense of identity that ‘you are also   other brands with similar tonalities to explore the rela-
 riences and perceptions into the drink. For now, all the   guests concentrated between 22-40 years old.  here’.”  This  is  how  Xu  Chen,  the  owner  of  the  others,   tionship between the five senses and the individual.
 mixing is done by the founder. For The Dot and PartyHead,   understands small stores, and perhaps also the reference   Going beyond concept, PartyHead also achieves such
 both  of  which  have  strong  nighttime  bar  atmospheres,   Nothing Unnecessary: Day and Night with   answer to the three stores on how to achieve sustainable   interaction at the level of distance. For Highway Store,
 bartenders must not only make tasty drinks, but also learn   Possibility  development.  its night pub cooperation partner, the nearest store is only
 to harmonize the atmosphere of the venue and the mood   As the others, Partyhead and The Dot all grow up in   800 meters away. Ike mentions, “Maybe people wonder
 of customers.
 As  consumer  trends  continue  to  change,  the  third   the community, how to interact well with the people in   how there could be no complaints from residents during
 Even  with  the  dual  expression  of  the  product  and
 space is undergoing iterations. The popularity of take-out   the community is a focus of their thinking in their business   our party time, but in fact there are. However, the resi-
 the person, the communication between a drink and the
 and orders through mini programs are also partly indic-  process. The community here not only refers to the geo-  dents on our second floor–a very friendly family of three
 consumer is not always effective, since a drink is impos-
 ative  of  the  fact  that  consumers  pay  more  attention  to   graphical  location  in  a  narrow  sense,  but  also  includes   –have never reported us and instead have let us operate
 sible  to  cater  all  tastes.  The  “too-new  concept”  is  the
 efficiency and the use of waiting time, leading to a declin-  people who appreciate the brand culture.  with  no  worries.  Sometimes,  the  man  come  downstairs
 challenge  facing  the  others  in  its  actual  operation.  As
 ing demand for the third space. As Rachel mentions, the   Located on Kangding Road, the others moves their   for a drink.”
 there is no benchmark and reference, they need to spend
 beverage experience may evolve in the direction of por-  home balcony directly into the store. The designers want   “Relationships  between  man  and  man  are  not  built
 more time to explain, and consumers also need more time
 tability in the future.  to keep everyone at a distance from the hustle and bustle   deliberately, but happen naturally. What small stores have
 to  accept  the  concept.  “Everyone  has  different  life  and
 Against such a trend, what is the significance of the   while not losing a view of the city, and the “City Balcony”   to do is to keep their differences, be sincere and work hard.
 taste experience. What we can do is to use words to clar-
 existence of small stores? “Small stores are a necessary   is the perfect solution. The floor of the first floor is raised   I like the story told by Mcdull–it is a miracle that an eraser
 ify what we want to express with the product as much as
 complement to large-scale commerce. They are soft and   higher than the city ground. The space inside the store is   can always remain snow white. If we can make a small store
 possible. It’s enough for us to know that customers find
 more flexible, providing diversity and giving more ‘un-  set back to enlarge the entrance area for pedestrians and   that allows everyone to be themselves, that self may be ‘the
 our drinks tasty or interesting.” says Xu Chen, the found-
 necessary possibilities’, which represents the meaning of   customers to sit and rest, and a wall bollard for pet own-  others’ deep inside everyone.” says Xu Chen.
 er of the others.
 life, allowing you to find some differences in the unifor-  ers is also installed in this area.  Behind the small stores lies life.
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