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Nothing New: Combination of Coffee so plus a few drops of spirits like Cognac, Grappa
and Wine and Sambuca) and Caffe Shakerato (iced coffee in
a martini glass).
The origin of coffee and wine is blurry in his- Later, given the boom of specialty coffee cul-
tory records. Though theories and legends about ture with increasing understanding and interest in
coffee abound, the most widely-accepted one is that coffee, the spillover effect brought coffee into the
Kaldi the Shepherd discovered the drink in the sixth realm of wine and tea. This would not be possible
century AD, when products made of coffee and without the conscious and organized efforts in the
berries started to boom, such as coffee wine made industry to cultivate talents in creative coffee and
by some Africans. wine mixing. In 2005, the Specialty Coffee Associ-
Legend goes that the oldest coffee cocktail ation of Europe (SCAE) hosted the “Coffee in Good
dates back to the 1800s, when a pirate named Jean Spirits Championship”, challenging participants to
Lafitte mixed cognac brandy, coffee and sugar to create pleasant drinks combining coffee and wine.
create Cafe Brulot, and lighted a fire in the glass to
extract the aroma. The drink also served as a dis- Nothing Easy: More than Mixing Cof-
guise during the Prohibition, and it’s still available fee and Wine
in at Arnaud’s Restaurant in New Orleans. Pharisäer
Coffee, the earliest documented coffee cocktail, In recent years, more and more brands choose
was born in Germany in the 1860s and 1870s. Back to accommodate more related industries in a certain
then, a family mixed Jamaican rum with coffee, space with fixed cost, not only to seek new flavors
sugar and cream at a baptismal service, trying to but also to bring in new revenue possibilities.
trick the anti-alcohol priest. Extending business hours and increasing the
About 80 years later, Irish coffee made with efficiency of storefront utilization is the ideal
Irish whiskey, coffee, sugar and cream was created business strategy for most “day-cafe-and-night-
by a bartender at Dublin Airport for his beloved pub” stores. However, it is no easy task to do
stewardess who loved coffee but not alcohol. In business equally well during the day and night.
1983, Dick Bradsell, a bartender, created Espresso “ O p e r a t i n g a s t o r e w i t h m u l t i - f o r m a t
Martini at the request of a customer who wanted integration is way more difficult than that of a
to “wake me up, then fxxk me up”. The drink com- t r a d i t i o n a l s i n g l e - f o r m a t b r i c k - a n d - m o r t a r
bines espresso with vodka and adds two types of business. The costs will also increase. For example,
coffee liqueur and syrup to adjust the flavor. While a 100 m2 multi-format store may require a team
in Italian cafes, mixed coffee and wine drinks are close to that of a 500 square meter store.” says Ike,
common on menus, such as Caffe Corretto (espres- founder of PartyHead.
The most important thing for cross-
border business is to consider yourself
as a “plug-in”, it should be done with
an auxiliary mentality. It’s necessary to
remember the introduced business
is a plus but not a basic point.
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