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daytime limited special flavors, allowing the and the Whiskey Flows”. The founder uses glu-
same ingredients to evolve into different fla- tinous rice Pu’er with hickory-infused bourbon,
vors by changing the way they are paired. adds bitter Finet Blanca, brews it with nitrogen,
For example, the daytime special “Shared and serves it in a hickory-smoked glass. “It feels
by the World” (㣔巆Ⱏ姼傞) uses the grassy silky smooth in the mouth. The sweetness car-
taste of glistening leaves and glutinous rice ries complex and varied herbal flavors, plus
to c re ate a fee l i n g o f s t a nd i n g ne a r a r i ce vague glutinous rice aroma intertwined with
field. The drinks also uses the alternating hot mellow nutty fragrance. Close your eyes, and
and cold taste to echo the sense of the season you are at a place where birds sing and whiskey
at the turn of summer and autumn, wrapping flows.”
the rawness of glutinous rice and Pu’er in pure In addition to efforts on flavors, the others
rice wine and warm rice pine nut foam. “The also lists all the ingredients for each drink and
oily pine nut aroma inspired by the mouthful suggests the flavor. Since the sense of taste is
tea aroma makes one fully appreciate the hap- largely determined by the smell, the brand pairs
piness of harvest and a unique nostalgia of each drink with an exclusive scent card, to build
t he O r ie nt a l .” T he s p ec i a l n i g ht t i me d r i n k the aroma scene before tasting. “It’s both sen-
Small stores are soft and more echoing with this one is “Where Birds Sing sual and rational.”
flexible, providing diversity
and giving more “unnecessary
Founded at the end of 2019, PartyHead fo- case. We also need to be careful whether guests
cuses on grooming, while introducing coffee of other businesses can be converted. Therefore,
during the day and cooperating with pubs with the advantages and disadvantages are obvious,
craft beer at night. Currently, it has two stores and the emphasis is on daily operations and
in Shanghai. Ike believes that the most import- continuous innovation.”
ant thing for cross-border business is to consid- Let Drinks Speak for Themselves The drink
er yourself as a “plug-in”, whether it’s for in- itself is the most direct channel where consum-
d u s t r i e s l i ke c o f fe e , w i n e , re t a i l , s p o r t s o r ers can feel the innovation. After all, flavors is
fitness, it should be done with an auxiliary men- a common conversation topic for youngsters.
tality. It’s necessary to remember the introduced The innovation of drinks can’t leave the explo-
business is a plus but not a basic point, and the ration of flavors, and every brand hopes to win
first and second class should be clearly divided. consumers’ preference in this battle. For exam-
R ache l , t he ow ne r o f T he D o t , co u ld n’ t ple, raw coconut wins the flavor championship
a g re e m o re . E s t a bl i s h e d i n 2 0 1 9 , t h e b r a n d this year. Luckin’s raw coconut latte stands out
s e r ve s co f fee a nd me a l s d u r i n g t he d ay a nd among the crowd, selling 100 million cups by
co ckt a i l s i n t he eve n i n g , w i t h t wo s tore s i n the first anniversary of its birth.
Guangzhou and Chengdu. “The positioning has Making a difference with the same ingredi-
to be right. We have coffee, but we take the wine ents is a winning formula for brands in the bat-
as the main part.” tle of flavors. Founded in Shanghai, the others
Can the customers of the main business be has chosen to go beyond the boundaries of tea,
efficiently conversed for other second busi- wine and coffee. It is a flavor lab that focuses
nesses? on specials, offering basic coffee, blended tea,
Grooming, PartyHead’s main business, has flavored sparkling drinks, and limited specialty
a steady flow of customers, but as Ike mentions, drinks triggering five senses experience during
“many may think that the guests of the grooming the day. At night, the drinks are dominated by
can support other businesses, but it’s not the wine specials, which are an extension of the
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