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         By taking part in these activities

         after their “first sleep” people would

         feel tired again and would then enjoy

         a “second sleep”, before they would

         eventually wake up to a new day.

                                                            In his essay, “Segmented Sleep in Preindustri-
        Segmented Sleep Across Different Coun-          al Societies”, Ekirch provides some references such
        tries and Cultures                              as the writings of a French priest André Thevet, on
                                                        traveling  to  Rio  de  Janeiro,  Brazil  in  1555,  who
            In the preindustrial era, people typically slept   reports that “the Tupinamba Indians ate whenever
        for a few hours, woke up for another few hours of   they had an appetite, even at night after their first
        quiet  activities,  and  then  slept  again  until  the   sleep they get up to eat and then return to sleep.”
        morning. This segmented sleep pattern was known     Another  example  takes  us  back  to  the  early
        as first sleep and second sleep.                19th century, when residents of Muscat, the capital
            Ac c o rd i n g   to   h i s to r y   p ro f e s s o r,   A .   R o g e r   of  Oman,  were  said  to  “retire  early,  lying  down
        Ekirch,  author  of  “At  Day’s  Close:  Night  in  Times   before  10  o’clock,  so  that  before  midnight  their
        Past”, after a long day spent working, our ancestors   first sleep was usually over.”
        would use the time between first and second sleep
        for all sorts of things, from reading and writing to   A Time of Change Brings a Change of Time
        eating and making love.
            Waking  up  in  the  night  was  not  considered   While people across the world were enjoying
        unusual or abnormal. By taking part in these activ-  their first and second sleep, a change was happen-
        ities after their “first sleep” people would feel tired   ing  in  Europe  and  North  America.  The  Industrial
        again and would then enjoy a “second sleep” before   Revolution  was  in  full  swing  and  people’s  sleep
        they would eventually wake up to a new day.     patterns  were  about  to  be  drastically  altered.  To
            This practice was common across preindustri-  this  day,  the  Industrial  Revolution  is  considered
        al Europe and North America and can be found in   one  of  the  most  important  periods  in  human  his-
        other cultures and continents, including the Middle   tory. It was a time when machines replaced manu-
        East, Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia,   al labor, mass production became possible and new
        and Latin America.                              technologies emerged.

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