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        I         n   J a n u a r y   2 0 2 2 ,   a t   t h e   s e v e n t h   Pu’er  and  other  teas  that  need  oxidation).  The

                                                       vacuum  little  can  is  vacuated  and  then  infused
                  Globa l  Diplom ats’  Ch i nese  Cu lt u re
                  Night held in Beijing, Xiao Guan Cha
                  appeared as the officially designated   with nitrogen to ensure long-term storage for tea
                                                       leaves at room temperature. It’s also hygienic and
        tea  for  pa r ticipa nts  from  over  160  cou ntr ies,   convenient, as there is no need to touch the leaves
        i nc l ud i n g  a m b a s s ador s  a nd  g ue s t s  f rom  a l l   directly when brewing.
        w a l k s   o f   l i f e .   I n   X i a o   G u a n   C h a ’s   p u b l i c   When asked about the significance of such a
        profi le, Tea-Ti me Ta l k seem s to h ave been t he   design, they replied, “The container should be an
        mo s t  com mon  s ce n a r io.  Si nce  it s  i nce pt ion   innovation in forms of packaging and product. It
        on ly  a  dec ade  a go,  t he  moder n  tea  compa ny   can  not  only  offer  the  customers  a  different,
        h a s  added  a n  i n - de pt h  log ic  to  t he  or i g i n a l   stylish  and  simple  experience,  but  also  help  to
        empi r ica l t h i n k i ng of Ch i nese tea, decrea si ng   realize the vision of product standards and create
        c o n s u m p t i o n   c o s t   w h i l e   s t r e n g t h e n i n g   a   d i f f e re n t i a te d   b r a n d   p e rc e p t i o n .”   H i d e o
        e x p e r i e n c e   t h r o u g h   d e d i c a t e d   e f f o r t s   i n   Sakakibara looks back on this collaboration and
        purchase decision cost and spiritual value. We   agrees,  “Without  almost  insane  dedication  and
        a re honored to i nv ite t he X iao Gu a n Ch a tea m   perseverance,  there  would  be  no  demanding
        to sh a re t hei r fa sci n ati ng stor y ...   pursuit  of  the  work,  let  alone  a  distinctive
                                                       experience for the customers.”
        The birth of the aluminium can
                                                       Standard to lower the bar
            X i ao   G u a n   C h a ,   l i te r a l ly   me a n i n g   l i t t le
        canned  tea,  has  quickly  become  a  hit  since  its   As  the  team  believes,  both  tea  and  coffee
        l au nch ,   no t   le a s t   b ec au s e   o f   i t s   i n novat ive   contain  strong  cultural  attributes,  representing
        packaging. Even before the official establishment   the  subtle  introspection  of  the  East  and  the
        of  Beijing  Xiao  Guan  Cha  Co.,  Ltd.  in  2014,  the   passionate  exuberance  of  the  West.  Therefore,
        team  had  invited  Hideo  Sakakibara,  a  Japanese   when presented on diplomatic stages, the cans of
        design  master,  to  create  the  container  for  their   tea don’t just make the unique songs of aluminium
        p r o d u c t s .   B a c k   t h e n ,   t h e y   p u t   f o r w a r d   3   containers,  but  also  the  echoing  aftersound  of
        requirements:  use  the  same  packaging  for  8  tea   e n c o u n te r   b e t we e n   d i f f e re n t   c u l t u re s   a n d
        products  to  ensure  a  consistent  experience;   customs.  “During  historical  development,  both
        change the cumbersome experience of traditional   tea and coffee have experienced transformation
        tea; and be beautiful, elegant and environmentally   from  agricultural  products  to  consumer  goods.
        fri en dly.  Two  figures  p rove d  th e  engrave d   In the Ming and Qing dynasties, tea even boasted
        craftsmanship – 13 revisions in 3 straight years.   a better development, marking the first globalized
        The package ends up with a tiny aluminium can   business  practice  of  Chinese  tea.”  noted  Xiao
        with  aluminum  films  which  “isolates”  fresh  tea   Guan Cha, “However, the coffee industry began          t he   yo u n g   p eople   who   wa nt   to   k now   ab o u t   into 3 categories: consumer products represented
        leaves  (not  for  Da  Hong  Pao,  Baihao  Yinzhen,   standardized and scaled production in 1938, going       Chinese tea. Therefore, Xiao Guan Cha supports   by   o r i g i n a l   le a f   te a ,   F MC G   re p re s e n te d   by
                                                       through 3 development waves from standardized                  the  new-style  tea  drinks.  As  the  founder  Du   bottled tea drinks and service forms represented
                                                       instant products to boutique quality products and              Guoying told us, “There are 3 cups of tea in life,   by   te a   d r i n k   s to re s .   T h e   3   fo r m s   m e e t   t h e
                                                       to  the  current  aesthetic  products.  In  this  way,         namely  milk  tea  for  teenagers,  bagged  tea  for   consumption needs of different consumer groups
                                                       co f fee   h a s   go ne   f a r   b eyo nd   C h i ne s e   te a   i n   office workers, and the original leaf tea for those   i n   d i f fe re nt   s ce n a r i o s .   O n   t he   b a s i s   o f   t he
                                                       marketization and commercialization. In contrast,              who can savor it when time and space allow. At   original  leaf  tea.  Xiao  Guan  Cha  explores  and
                                                       the Chinese tea industry still struggles with a low            present,  a  considerable  portion  of  consumers   lays out different forms.
                                                       level of standardization, in addition to the semi-             don’t  know  much  about  Chinese  tea  beyond
                                                       manual  and  semi-mechanical  industrialization                traditional kung fu tea. However, new-style tea   Modern interpretation of traditional tea
                                                       state,  early  stages  of  brand  building  and  other         drinks  are  actually  also  Chinese  tea.  They  can,
                                                       issues.”                                                       to   a   ce r t a i n   ex te nt ,   lowe r   t he   con s u m p t ion   Perhaps many people are still stuck with the
                                                           In their opinion, the embarrassing state of                threshold of Chinese tea and allow tea to connect   impression that Xiao Guan Cha are linked to high
                                                       Chinese  tea  is  caused  by  the  lack  of  standards,        with  more  Chinese  people,  especially  young   net worth individuals. This is not the case. The
                                                       a  problem  which  has  built  up  an  invisible  high         people. The young people will accept new-style   br a n d   t a r g e t s   c on s u m e r s   f r om   m u l t i p l e
                                                       threshold,  confining  experienced  tea  gourmets              tea drinks first, and then become fans of original   d i m e n s i o n s ,   s u c h   a s   a ge ,   f re q u e n c y   o f   te a
                                                       to the wall of self-indulgence while keeping out               leaf tea.” They classify the forms of Chinese tea   consumption and social status, covering  the core

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