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 ed beverages. Either way, the program   professionals to create one-of-a-kind tastes   Vitamix machines are  prized for their   If you want to get more
 settings ensure that every time your   and textures for your beverage menu.   legendary reliability and longevity. We   information, please visit
 customers return, they’ll get the same   In the end, Vitamix knows that your   back up this reputation with a robust
 quality textures and flavors. With un-  success in a competitive space depends   after-sales support network that will
 matched power and the right combina-  not only on unique, reliable flavor expe-  address any issues that arise. When you
 tion of speeds, The Quiet One delivers   riences, but also on speed of service.   have a need, our experts are available to
 just the effect you are looking for:  Reducing your preparation times is one   be at your location promptly.
            of our paramount goals, because even 10   If you would appreciate a partner
 •  Refined uniformity of ice crystals   or 20 seconds per beverage can have an   in your pursuit of unique flavors and
 throughout the drink  important impact on your margins.   textures – or an ally in the battle for
 •  Subtle inclusions of strawberries,   Further, uptime is critical. You   improved  efficiency  and  better  profit
 peaches, or mangoes, which will delight   cannot realize your business potential   margins – reach out to the Vitamix team.
 your customers  or hit your productivity targets if one of   We would welcome the opportunity to
 •  An entirely smooth texture with-  your five machines is down. That’s why   collaborate with your team.
 out pulp; or, if desired, a smooth texture
 but with whole seeds from certain fruits,
 like kiwis
 •  Whipped cream or aerated milks
 of precisely the right consistency
 These results can be achieved reli-
 ably – every time. Your front-of-house
 team just needs to push a button and walk
 away. They can start preparing another
 beverage while the machine finishes. It’s
 a solution that speeds up service, ensures
 quality, and makes the team more pro-
 ductive – all at once.

 The Quiet One is often used in
 combination with the Vitamix Aerating
 Container for special effects, such as
 To work with Vitamix is an experience.   muddling flavors into a tea base; aerating
 Tell us what you’re up against, where   milk teas or caffe lattes; or creating airy
 you’d  like  to  take  your  company,  what   foam toppers that your customers will
 your  aspirations  are  in  terms  of flavor   rave about. The secret to the Aerating
 and experience. We’ll work with you to   Container is a special patented disc blade
 get there – collaborate with your team   without sharp edges – allowing an oper-
 on recipes and special effects, then lock   ator to muddle delicious flavors from
 them in to program settings.  citrus wheels or mint leaves without
 The Quiet One, our best-in-class com-  chopping or grinding them as a normal
 mercial machine for beverage blending.   blender blade would.
 The Quiet One  produces smooth   The Aerating Container by itself,
 blends with the least possible noise. It   however, is only one half of the magic.
 comes with 34 standard program set-  The other is our expertise. At Vitamix,
 tings – and these standard settings are   we are continually experimenting with
 sufficient for many customers. Howev-  new aerating techniques, looking for
 er, it can also be custom programmed   novel approaches that can set one cheese
 at the time  of manufacturing  so the   foam topper apart from all the others.
 programs are specific to a particular   We’re here to provide that special team
 chain of stores and their unique blend-  experience, interacting with your culinary

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