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                                                           Why Customers

                                                        Keep Coming Back

                                                                      The Reliable,
                                                            Repeatable Flavor Experience

                                                           What enables one coffee and tea shop or brand to
                                                       surge ahead of the others, gaining market share and hold-
                                                       ing it over time? Among the many possible answers to this
                                                       question, one is surely at the top of every list: the unique-
                                                       ness of the flavor experience. Also, consistency. Custom-
                                                       ers keep coming back because they know they will expe-
                                                       rience the same savory mix of flavors, the same muddled
                                                       orange or lime accents, or the same feathery foam topper
                                                       with a texture they can find nowhere else.
                                                           In a crowded field where some coffee and tea chains
                                                       are producing dozens of new recipes per year, it’s chal-
                                                       lenging to discover unique flavor profiles. It’s harder still
                                                       to reproduce them consistently at the front of house under
                                                       time pressure and with distractions.
                                                           Vitamix  is the answer to these challenges. It’s the
                                                       world-renowned brand of blenders found behind the
                                                       counter at leading chains and distinguished independent
                                                       shops in China, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea,
                                                       and other Asian countries.
                                                           But it’s not just the robust machines, known and loved
                                                       for their precision and high power. It’s the expertise of the
                                                       people behind the brand that enables Vitamix users to take
                                                       big strides forward in terms of flavor and texture.

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