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                                                                                                                                                                     your beverage


             Consequences for the Harvests               beginning of the rains, these buds will start to bloom
                                                         or sprout. The actual damage to the 2022 crop can only
                 Consequences for the 2021 harvest are almost   be evaluated for sure in August or September. As it
             zero, as in most coffee regions the seeds are already   starts to rain and temperatures increase this will indi-
             fully formed and rigid, so even if the fruit suffers   cate whether the affected plants will start to sprout,
             damage, the chance of this seed being affected is   whether or not reproductive buds will bloom.
             minimal. Possible exceptions may occur in cases where   In the case of no recovery, farmers will prune
             there are immature fruits with high water content, but   their trees, creating a direct impact on the 2022 season.
             this is also not very representative of the totality of   In the coming weeks, technicians from the national
             harvested areas in the country now.         agricultural company CONAB will most likely make
                 The impacts on the 2022 harvest are what may   technical visits across the affected regions to begin
             be of most concern to players in the coffee chain.   damage assessment studies, with published data likely
             Agronomists begin to estimate how much coffee will   to follow in several months.
             be produced in the next harvest season based on con-                                                   Ready to add or expand a beverage menu?
             ditions in the previous year. In this case, the end of the                                             With optimized programs and automatic shut-off,
             rainy season in March/April 2021, before the drop in                                                   the Drink Machine Advance is an essential tool,
             temperatures, will affect plant production in 2022. The
                                                                   This article was first posted on Daily Coffee News,   easily creating smaller batches of everything
             vegetation and buds that will create flowers in 2021
                                                                Frost Hits Brazilian Coffee Lands, Extent of Damage Not
             and beans in 2022 are already present in the plant. In    Yet Known on July 12, 2021 and updated by    from fruit smoothies to thick shakes.
             September, with the increase in temperature and the     Jonas Ferraresso at the end of the same month.
                                                                                                                    Learn more at

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