Page 74 - CTI82_EN
P. 74


          The loss was heavy,                              Assessing the Damage

          but would be hard to                             difficult to measure. The first visible indication of dam-
                                                               The damage caused by the most recent event is still
          figure out the exact                             age, one that has been widely observed, is burnt leaves

          numbers until August                             and their subsequent fall. However after the second frost,
                                                           many plants will need to be replanted if they are less
                                                           than three or four years old and old trees will be pruned.
          or September.                                    The loss was heavy  but would be hard to figure out the
                                                           exact numbers until August or September.
                                                               Younger crops less than four years old are gen-
                                                           erally more affected by the cold, as their thinner
                                                           branches, roots, and trunks are more vulnerable.
                                                           Another factor is that younger plants have a less dense
                                                           canopy, which favors the entry of cold air and reduc-
                                                           es heat storage the night before the frost.
                                                               The cold can cause the formation of microcrys-
                                                           tals throughout the plant, but the leaves are the most
                                                           exposed part of the plant and contain a significant
                                                           amount of water, which means they end up freezing
                                                           more easily.
                                                               The formation of ice and the contraction of
                                                           protoplasm are the causes of irreversible damage
                                                           to membranes and other cellular components, and
                                                           thus prevent the normal reestablishment of the
                                                           plant cell metabolism. This causes cell dehydration
                                                           and cell disruption.

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