Page 73 - CTI82_EN
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On July 21, the farms were hit severely by an-
These are the most other frost. The damage this time was far worse, more
regions were affected. The difference between the
important areas also first hit and second wave is that with the second one,
farming areas like Cerrado and Minas Gerais South
massive coffee arabica region were stricken more severely. These are also
production region the most important areas of massive coffee arabica
production region in Brazil. The first time we had
in Brazil. problems but it was mild, and then the severe dam-
age occurred in São Paulo State in the Franca region
or High Mogiana. Many of the farmers in São Paulo
State areas were hit twice in a row.
Impacts on Growing Areas
On the morning of July 1, 2021, a huge number
of reports from producers, agronomists, and techni-
cians flowed through the internet, and social networks Sao Paulo
and news channels across the country filled with pictures.
In the state of Minas Gerais, the most affected Minas Gerais
cities are located in the south of the state. They include
Ibiraci, Três Pontas, Monte Santo de Minas, Três
Corações and others.
In São Paulo, a large part of the eastern region
of the state known as Mogiana – including Franca,
the largest coffee producing hub in the state – had
affected crops.
In the state of Paraná, frost reached almost 100% Cerrado
of the area, but according to Cocamar, one of the most
important cooperatives in the state, only 10% of the
crops were severely affected. In Carlópolis, the main
producing city in Paraná, some coffee plantations were Parana
left with burnt leaves and a lot of ice on the ground.
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