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Drink your coffee with some
great tunes, it’s all about enjoying
your life after all!
Taste the Mood we feel alive. I can so clearly recall a few years back having
organised a meeting in a busy cafe, I was waiting for my
Now, apart from the music a cafe plays for you, let us guest to arrive when realising the background music was
come back to the more important question: What music do so loud and inappropriate that I had to call them to relocate
you like to listen to while having a coffee? Perhaps sometimes to another cafe… No one would be comfortable or satisfied
you only feel like a moment of peace, white noise and a cafe’s with a racket playing while trying to enjoy a cup of coffee
ambiance could be good enough. Though if you had a choice and a good conversation. I appreciate all the baristas and
between a cafe with or without great music, who wouldn’t cafe owners with a great taste in music, the good tunes can
choose the former? really brighten up my day.
Music is essential while I’m drinking coffee. It not only For me, the best way to enjoy coffee is while listening
makes my coffee taste better but has a positive influence on to vinyl records. I pick an album I love, turn on the turnta-
my mood too. I have spent a lot of my days in coffee shops. ble, put the needle down, volume up, and I sit deep in the
Over the past few years I’ve laboured behind the counter cushions of my couch with a cup of fresh brewed coffee. I
working as a barista, but most of the time, I’m a patron. I pick enjoy every sip! Hot tip, start your day with this heavenly
a nice and quiet cafe to diligently complete my work all while combination and you may find a little extra day-to-day
listening to some easy R&B or Jazz in background. motivation. A final thought, don’t just limit coffee drinking
I also visit more popular spots with great friends. We to cafes, mornings and getting work done. An espresso
get ourselves comfortable within the crowded spaces, laugh martini before hitting the dance floor is a brilliant idea too.
loudly, all the while listening to hit pop songs setting the tone, It’s all about enjoying your life after all!
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