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The effect music brings out
is completely contextual,
the curators should be be-
It All Starts from Sharing connect as much with the customer on a cultural level as you stowed with credit.
do by utility. There’s countless times a day you can tell a
Music is actually the perfect way to start a conversation, customer is feeling the music or someone will ask what’s
no matter if it’s Jazz or Funk, Hip-hop or House, you will find playing and that type of connection is as authentic as you can
yourself more activated when your favourite song jumps into get and means they are identifying with your brand on mul-
your mind while having a coffee. “Oh, the person who created tiple levels.” When I asked Sam Robbin (Co-founder of Modus,
this playlist must has a good taste”, you would say to your friends. one of the top specialty coffee shops in Perth) how he picked
Although cafes can sometimes be a great place to shazam a track, his playlists, “Of course I would pick the songs I like”, Sam
your connection with this cafe could start with asking the staff answered without doubt. Music for him has different attitudes,
“Hey! what’s this song that is playing? It is so good, I love it!”. but it’s the positive energy which keeps his days motivated.
The barista would definitely be very happy to help you find out, However in Modus, the positive vibe is not only created by
and sometimes by chance you will find the owner with a chuffed Sam and his team, the reciprocation from their customers is
smile on their face. They’re likely sharing the same musical also precious. I was surprised when I found out that some of
mood as you and your simple comment could brighten their the playlists on rotation were shared by few customers, “Ben
day. The effect music brings out is completely contextual, the (who shared a playlist with Modus) is an old friend of mine
curators should be bestowed with credit. and I quite like his music, as long as our customers are happy,
“Ultimately you build your business around the identi- why not!” Sometimes you have to admit that cafes have such
ty of the original customer, the founder. Hopefully you can a unique community spirit which makes you feel connected.
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