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Cafes are alive with noise,
chatter and people getting to
know each other day
by day through music and
their own stories.
From Soul to Soul
The pandemic may have changed the way people have
enjoyed their coffee, however in Perth, the most isolated city
in the world where I am currently living, the pandemic hasn’t
influenced our way of life, except, of course, international
travel. It is such a lovely place for living because of its beau-
tiful nature, breathtaking ocean views, the music scene and
the coffee culture. These aspects of the city are all so out-
standing and hard not to talk about. It’s also almost impossible
to stumble into a bad coffee shop here. Each cafe is so distin-
guished, no matter where you are, you can always find one to
suit your taste and style. I am very impressed by the unique
characteristics each local cafe portrays. The cafe owners strive
to create cool vibes for their customers and the tunes they
play is a great window into their personality.
For those opening cafes and coffee shop businesses, the
choices they make when choosing each of their playlists is as
scrupulous as the first time choosing a point of sale system.
“If you create a good space, it will attract the right crowd,”
said Nathan Karnovsky, owner of North Perth based Satchmo
cafe. This place has the best Jazz playlist in town and its Sun-
day live Jazz brunch is a big hit. Nathan is a lover of Jazz, which
you might gather from the name his cafe. Satchmo was the forget about everything going on in our world, people can
nickname of the legendary trumpeter, Louis Armstrong. Jazz connect with the musicians and have a chat with other guests.
for Nathan is personal and emotional. It is poetry without It’s something our regulars look forward to every weekend
words and a connection in between him and everyone who and has become really special. Even the musicians themselves
steps into Satchmo. By sharing his favourite records, many feel connected with the crowd and venue.”
customers are drawn in by the selection and tend share their “People are becoming more and more separated because
own collections too. Music is a big part of the conversation of modern technology but a cafe is still a place where every-
and his customers are always curious about the playlist of the body is on the same level. Creating a warm and friendly at-
day. If it’s cold and rainy Nathan will put on some Funky Jazz mosphere, starting with a ‘Hello’ and being nice to customers
to make people feel happy. During the weekend, he will play walking into your cafe makes a big difference, it will some-
a variety of genres to match the louder and busier environment. times completely change their day.” Cafes are alive with noise,
When Nathan started the Sunday Jazz brunch, he actually only chatter and people getting to know each other day by day
thought about creating the perfect work atmosphere for him- through music and their own stories. When I asked Nathan
self. Since conception it has become a regular event for locals for a word to describe the connection between Satchmo and
and Jazz lovers. “Live Jazz Sunday is music that will let you Jazz and himself, “Soul”, is what he answered.
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