Page 60 - CTI82_EN
P. 60

C  Illustration / Hanna Liu

 THE                                                                                                                 POWER

                                                   T       he coffee grinder hums away, as the barista shouts         perfect, as does the playlist. Coffee lovers flock to cafe’s where
                                                           out coffee orders, one after the other.  Murmurs of
                                                                                                                      they feel at home.
                                                           conversations fill the room, and the music buoys the
                                                                                                                          For some it may be soft Jazz on a lazy Sunday. For others, it
                                                           cafe patrons’ spirit. Background noise is complemen-       may be the hype of pop songs to start your Monday morning coffee
                                                   tary to someone’s cafe experience. Imagine if you walked into a    with a kick. Maybe it’s the sound of Hip-hop beats to kick off your
                                                   cafe, and heard nothing but dead silence. I’d imagine you may      Fridays: there’s something about the power of a cafe to improve
                                                   feel quite odd, and think “how bizarre”.                           your mood.
                                                       For cafe owners, bringing out good vibes to welcome                No matter what you’re drinking, the right tunes are like creamy
                                                   their customers is critical. The architectural design has to be    butter on toast – making everything that little bit sweeter.

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