Page 81 - CTI82_EN
P. 81
C2-1, Jalan Ampang Utama 1/1
68000 Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia
No.300 bus at Hab Ampang Point(Aj108)
Mon - Sun 09:00 - 18:00
Fine Coffee and Flowers
Garden on plates
“We live on fine coffee & flowers, and so should you”. special with the taste of the french toast, it’s a normal
A combination of a flower studio and coffee shop. They’re eggy french toast paired with passion fruit and pretty
florists as they treat their food like a bouquet of flowers. flower. But the visual wins. The strawberry cupcake we
Their food presentation is just on point, pretty as a bloom- ordered is also another photogenic model for our camera.
ing flower. We ordered the french toast and I will rate it They’re just too pretty to eat. The environment is cosy to
10/10 for the presentation, as its messy pretty. Nothing hangs out with cafe kakis.
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