Page 83 - CTI82_EN
P. 83
6G, Jalan SS21/39, Damansara Utama,
47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
PJ05 bus at Jejantas Damansara Utama
Mon - Sun 12:00 - 22:00
Tono Soymilk
Cafes aren’t tied to coffee only. Tono soymilk is a soy cold taufufah and choose your toppings by your own pref-
dessert bar located in Damansara uptown. Thanks to the erence. A trendy yet traditional Chinese snack made with
wide window, the shop is full of natural light. It’s a nice very tender tofu. For the soy-presso (soy milk), they have
place to chill with friends and solve the taufufah (bean curd) eight flavors to choose from, plain, matcha, black sesame,
and soy milk cravings. Their soy dessert is made out of almond and more. Drooling for the soy already. You can also
non-GMO Canada soybean. You can choose either hot or find their bottled soy milk in some grocery stores.
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