Page 77 - CTI80_EN
P. 77
Goals & action HEALTH AND WELL-BEING 1. Reduction in the use of wood
Guarantee a healthy life and pro- stoves. 70% of the Guatemalan
Based on UN’s Sustainable mote well-being for all at all ages. population cooks with firewood,
Development Goals, the team has According to Anacafé, around the equivalent of 2.4 million fami-
decided to focus our/their efforts 125,000 families depend on cof- lies. Of these, 1.1 million resort to
on 3 pillars: fee in Guatemala, and the vulner- buying firewood. Today, cooking
ability of the producers and their with firewood represents many GOAL 1
families is highly alarming. As problems: smoke in the kitchen,
they are characterized by living chronic diseases, excessive spend-
in extreme poverty with lack of ing when buying firewood or time
good health, being this essential and effort in carrying it, deforesta-
for sustainable development. This tion, etc.
objective takes into account the Action: Donation/subsidy of
widening of economic and social ecological stoves. Through the sale of
inequalities, rapid urbanization, organic coffee from ASPROGUATE.
threats to the climate and the 2. Improve the life quality of
environment, the fight against the elderly in our community (z.18)
infectious diseases, and new health Casa Hogar San Vicente de Paul.
problems, such as non-communi- Action: Donation of meals,
cable diseases (UNDP). through sales of Finca La Labor’s
Initiatives to be supported: coffee.
GENDER EQUALITY Achieve been meeting in search of develop-
gender equality and empower all ment opportunities for their com-
women and girls. munities. Many of these women,
The Rainforest Alliance report- head their homes alone, as a result
ed that women coffee producers of the migration of their husbands
produce less than their male counter- to the US or Guatemala City in
parts, because they have much less search of job opportunities.
access to resources than men. In 2015, Fuerza de Mujer as-
According to the Food and Ag- sociated with Asproguate, as the
riculture Organization (FAO), if the Organization offered them the
game were to be leveled, women opportunity to train them in coffee
could increase the yield of their farms production and processes. In the
by 20%-30%. The ICO estimates that absence of their husbands these
closing the gender gap could create women were left in charge of the
an additional 30 billion cups of coffee parcels and required technical
per year. support.
The Association Fuerza de The group has shown commit-
Mujer gathers more than 300 wom- ment and dedication in the trainings
en dedicated to coffee production in order to maintain the FLO and CJ
located in the regions of San Martín certifications. Fuerza de Mujer cur-
Jilotepeque, Acatenango and Ati- rently has plantations certified un-
tlán. For 7 years, the associates have der the Fair Trade, UTZ, Rainforest
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