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Alliance and Organic seals; this the coffee plantations, they work proguate’s organic and environmen-
thanks to the dedication and hard beautiful typical fabrics of the re- tal program.
work of the group for several years gion. Coffee and textiles are the Actions: Dinamica’s team is
to maintain the technical require- basis of their economy, they com- passionate about the hard work
ments of Asproguate. bine both activities harmoniously of Fuerza de Mujer and wants sup-
Lots of dedication and pas- to generate the necessary income port their development through
sion can be seen in this group of for their families. its typical textile’s entrepreneurship
women, as a result of this, in addi- Fuerza de Mujer provides through donation of weaving equip-
tion to leading the production of training focused on women’s em- ment and financing of threads for
coffee on their plots, a group of powerment, basic financial man- textiles. With future support of ed-
around 60 women are also weavers. agement for field work, health, ucational programs for woman in
With the aim of generating income nutrition, in addition to the field agricultural, economic and leader-
for their families and maintaining issues involved in being in As- ship fields.
DECENT WORK AND ECO- with alternative, dynamic and inno-
NOMIC GROWTH Promote inclu- vative expressions. Since 2006 when
sive and sustainable economic the project was founded, experience
growth, full and productive employ- has been acquired that has allowed
ment and decent work for all. the construction of the methodology
According to the FAO, about 20 (in constant change and adaptation)
million poor people in rural areas so that eventually, it consolidates as
worldwide depend on coffee produc- a system and can be a pedagogical
tion for their livelihood. Although current and social movement for the
international migration continues to benefit of the Guatemalan childhood
be an attractive option for some, it is and youth.
worth highlighting the great potential Actions: Collaborations with Fat
that the coffee economy in Guatema- Cat Coffeehouse and El Patojismo. Fat
la presents, this being an activity that Cat Coffeehouse is coffee shop in
requires around 70 million wages a Antigua with the team of young ded-
year throughout the country. icated professionals and in collabo-
In light of the 2% increase in ration with El Patojismo, the team
annual coffee consumption—40 to wants to provide coffee education,
50 million more bags per year—pro- barista, roasting courses and intro-
jected to 2030, there is a window of duction for entrepreneurial world for
opportunity to enter the specialty local youth, with the help of local
coffee segment both internationally professionals now and with a plan to
and locally. involve our international community
In particular, coffee farming as well as volunteer-culture exchange
provides a source of employment and program in future. This will give work
economic income for 125,000 coffee opportunities and career perspectives
growers, among whom 80% are small for young people who cannot afford
producers, and generates employ- this education, so they can sustain
ment for 480,000 people permanent- and work in Guatemala with their
ly and temporarily. (Source: FAO) families, without looking for oppor-
El Patojismo is a pedagogical tunities abroad. “Uniting families
current that experiments and fuses together around coffee” that is moto/
conventional pedagogical practices core of Dinamica.
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