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                                     Made from earth,

                                   perfected by water
 Edith was lucky to be raised by parents who   “The men have already accepted me, whether they
 built up her confidence and instilled a determination   want to or not” she says. “It’s their wives who are
 to get the job done. Her mother worked outside the   still having trouble.” The area where Edith lives is
 home, often traveling for weeks at a time. Coming   pure jungle, and in order to make it accessible the
 from the high  sierras in the Huancayo zone,  her   locals paid for roads to be paved, and now organize
 mother’s upbringing was very traditional, but Edith   regular maintenance. Edith attends all the commu-
 says that as time went on her mom became more and   nity meetings and helps the President and the
 more empowered. It   Treasurer of Roadways by
 was she who first   going door to door with
 bought the coffee   th em inf o rming h er
 farm Edith runs now,   neighbors of what needs
 although she was only   to be done to maintain
 able to work it for two   the roads. “There’s times
 years before passing   when the wives get jeal-
 away in 2007.   ous.  That’s  when  being
 Edith  also  feels   young and single works
 lucky to live in a com-  against me”. One time, a
 paratively open-mind-  neighbor’s wife called
 ed part of Peru. She   her with accusations
 was one of 750 wom-  about her husband. Edith
 en in Peru to partici-  remembers thinking “So
 pate  in  Goldman   much for all my empow-
 Sach’s “10,000 Wom-  erment”.
 en” project for entre-  Photo / Ronise Daluz  But Edith is hopeful
 preneurs. “The wom-  for the future. “We have to
 en from the North   move forward, people will
 said they had a terri-  adapt. The newer genera-
 ble time with their   tions  are  already  more
 husbands”, Edith reports. These women were all   flexible. Things will change.” She takes great pride   100% COLOMBIAN COFFEE
 business owners and creators, but their husbands   in her work and loves the international communi-
 strongly opposed their participation in this program   ty she’s found through coffee. She signs off with   One of the best-decaffeinated coffees in the world, due to its natural
 and many women had to put their foot down in order   an anecdote about a friend of hers in Brazil, who   decaffeination process Swiss Water®. This 100% chemical free process
 to attend at all. I asked if this was because the hus-  recently took over a coffee farm. I imagine them   uses pure water to gently removes up to 99.9% of caffeine, keeping the
          attributes of the highest-quality green coffee beans.
 bands didn’t want them to travel - “No!” says Edith.   talking on the phone late into the night, sharing   SWISS WATER AND SWISS WATER LOGO are registered trademarks of Swiss Water Decaffeinated CoffeeInc., used under license.
 “The trainings were in their area. There was  no   their successes and commiserating over their
 travel involved.” Then why such a fuss? “Well, isn’t   shared difficulties in this male-dominated field:
 that just how men are?”  her friend asks: “Edith, Have you noticed an im-
 Although Edith has coffee producing friends   provement in your coffee since you took over?”           *Trademark registered by the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation - FoNC
 in other parts of the country and abroad, she’s the   her friend asks. “Yes, actually!” “Me too! I think
 only woman in the jungle of Satipo who grows coffee.   women have a knack for this.”

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