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                                                                                                                                                     Suci          Suci was someone   with the engineers how to improve or

        Chengcheng                      especially to women. However, her                                                                                          I was introduced   develop new technics for efficiency,
                                                                                                                                                                   to  when  we  were
                                                                                                                                                                                    until one day she realized she has got
                                        prejudice was broken down after be-                                                                          looking for a new sales in my compa-  her next opportunity figured out. She
                                        ing exposed to Italian coffee culture                                                                        ny. She was very straightforward and   went bold and started her own busi-
         Chengcheng never thought she   for 4 months at illy. She fell in love                                                                       told me she wasn’t looking for oppor-  ness, started to talk to brands over-
         would be working in coffee: 7 years   with it, and ended up study in a coffee                                                               tunity, but she was creating her own.    seas and became their China distrib-
         ago,  when  she  was  still  a  master’s   master’s program initiated by illy, and                                                          I thought she was quite unique and   utor. She likes to keep her day on a
         student in food major, she had the   since then stayed in coffee industry                                                                   interesting. She got into coffee be-  nine to five basis, she loves her job
         opportunity to conduct the gradua-  until today, she has all of the coffee                                                                  cause of a job in retail came up at the   and work with her clients, solving
         tion project at the Research & Inno-  knowledge she ever wanted and help-                                                                   early stage of her career, she stayed   problems for them, meanwhile she
         vation Department of illy caffe in   ing others who persuades the beauty                                                                    in retail and sales for 8 years, she   likes to enjoy her family time after
         Trieste. She had her first cup of   of coffee. She travels a lot to Yunnan                                                                  realized that she was obsessed with   work.  Suci said: “I love to see new
         espresso in life there, she was told   and other coffee origins, a good part                                                                equipment mechanic, she enjoyed to   machines; I love to make sales!”
         when getting that cup of coffee, it was   of her time goes on conference, meet-                                                             play with the machines and discuss
         pulled by a skillful barista with a   ings and producer training prepara-
         couple of decades of experience. But   tion.  She said she  enjoys having
         as you would imagine, she did not like   flexible in terms of working hour and
         that coffee at all, she had a strong bias   projects she like, travel to new places
         against coffee at the time, and be-  and  meeting  new  people,  and  the                                    Amber              I first met   ments. After she moved to her current
         lieved that coffee does harm to health,   sense of fulfillment she gets.                                                        with Amber   company, she started doing manage-
                                                                                                                                         in one of my   ment, green coffee handling, stor-
                                                                                                                       business meetings in Seattle, she was   age and distribution. Meanwhile she
                                                                                                                       very quiet first, only when it came   also works as a product owner for
        There is really no need to emphasize                                                                           to her field, she started to talk and   green coffee systems,  helping  to
                                                                                                                                                      improve processes and make tech-
                                                                                                                       I realized how sharp she was, every
        a person’s gender if we truly be-                                                                              word to the point. Three years later   nology work better, “and us work
                                                                                                                                                      smarter”, she added. Amber likes
                                                                                                                       after that project we both participat-
        lieve in gender equality.                                                                                      ed  in,  we  kept  in  touch  as  friends,   helping people and making things
                                                                                                                       she told me about her stories in
                                                                                                                                                      work better. In her role she is al-
                                                                                                                       coffee: her career in coffee started   ways able to impact change  and
                                                                                                                       in 2013 at a coffee importer in Seat-  drive continuous improvement in
                                       Tomoka                 I have   work: stock list/cupping/samples/               tle,  WA –  Atlas  Coffee.  At  Atlas   what they do and how they do it.
                                                                                                                       Coffee, she managed logistics, in-
                                                                                                                                                      She said she always reminding her-
                                                                       respond  to  customer inquiries/in-
                                                                                                                       ventory and certification report-  self that she has to be creative, an-
                                                              with     troducing coffee to customers/fol-
                                                                                                                       ing, as well as systems improve-  alytical and social all at once.
                                        Tomoka for some time, Tomoka is a   low up with some after sales service,
                                        very typical Japanese girl, very sweet   which I heard from the others she is
                                        and polite, you will always see smile   very good at. However, when I asked
                                        on her face when you have eye con-  her about the daily routine, she said
                                        tact with her. She likes to check out   she never had thought this was a
                                        the new restaurants and coffee shops   girl’s job as it involves some enter-                                 Teresa             These amaz-  ments of the supply chain, retail,
                                        in  town,  you  will  always  find  the   tainment activities like dinner,                                                      ing ladies’   operation, sales, startup projects and
                                        right place to go if you ask her for   drinking with customers. Her favor-                                                      experience   business  development. I started in
                                        recommendation, she is like a walk-  ite part of the job is cupping, she                                     of getting into coffee, reminded me of   coffee trading in 2013 with Volcafe,
                                        ing  ‘Trip  Advisor’. She joined  the   said she can just spend her day in                                   my story in coffee, some differences,   from sales to trader and now taking care
                                        green trading company as a tempo-  the lab, sort out the green samples,                                      some similar, one thing in common:   of the Great China coffee business and
                                        rary worker as she was just looking   roasting samples, and cupping all                                      once you are in, it seems you are with   other relevant work, I love what I do,
                                        for a temporary job, she didn’t plan   day long. That’s where she found the                                  coffee, for the rest of your career. From   and I’m passionate about this industry.
                                        to work for a long time, ended up   most joy in coffee, all the challeng-                                    my  student  days, in 2007 I have en-  What can I say, I would the caffeine
                                        working in the company for about   ing moments in the origin trips and                                       tered the coffee  industry, and  I’ve   works on us coffee people!
                                        ten years now. Her  typical  day at   at work became worthy.                                                 been  participating  in different  seg-

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