Page 41 - CTI78_EN
P. 41


 Do we see gender equality in cof-  like  this, most  of  the times  it’s  because they
 fee industry?  appreciate your skills. Suci also acts in her job
 as  sales,   then I realized my clients love me,
 There are women everywhere in the cof-  because being women sales, we are tend to be
 fee industry: from farms at origin to retail   considered more friendly, patient and detailed
 counters. Certain sectors are definitely more   in the job.
 male dominated than others – and mine is one   On the other hand, Chengcheng doesn’t
 of these spaces. That was a challenge at first,   think there is gender imbalance in her field,
 but I earned the respect of my colleagues and   she believes that women have been playing an
 vendors fairly quick. Like what Amber shared   equally important role as men in the coffee
 with me her opinion: “Women’s roles in the   industry despite that gender distribution is not
 workplace are evolving, and over time we will   always there even when we look at each sector
 continue to see more women in historically   of the supply chain. For instance, processing
 male dominated sectors – like operations and   and roasting tends to be male dominated as it
 logistics.” She doesn’t think there is difference   involves the operation of sophisticated and
 between  female  and  male,  “I  only  believe   heavy equipment, whereas more women are
 there’s a difference in people and their inherent   engaged in nursery work, cherry harvesting,
 skills, what they like to do, etc. but it is not   and sensory evaluation, all of which are more
 necessarily related to gender.”  When I asked   detail oriented. She explained: “I think this
 Tomoka the same question, she didn’t hesitate   distribution gap, as far as I am concerned, has
 and told me she sees the imbalance in gender   nothing to do with gender discrimination.”
 in her fields in Japan, “we don’t meet women   For my personal experience, I’ve been in
 in sales, traders or quality managers in other   trading environment for quite some years now
 companies here”.  And being one of the very   which I was told many years ago ‘trader’ is a
 few, I always try to adopt to the environment,   role which is very male dominated. I even
 try to  fit in the conversations.  thought it was cool if I could become a trader
 Suci agrees that sometimes people views   one day.  However, when I was the only female
 her job differently, she told me that there were   trader at the trading desk, I didn’t feel the   Photo / Alina Vilchenko
 many times when she was meeting with people,   difference, and nobody treated me differently.
 she got asked questions like: “Is this really your
 own company?”, “Did you bring this brand in   What about self differentiation?
 China yourself?”,  “You sure you can install this
 equipment yourself?”  She laughed: “You have   Like Chengcheng said, to start with, let
 no idea how many times I had to repeat the   us try not to use the word “female” to a person’s
 same answers to those questions.” However,   profession,  for example, female barista, fe-
 both Suci and I think that’s only because tra-  male  producer...  there  is  really  no  need  to
 ditionally, people rely on male professional to   emphasize a person’s gender if we truly be-
 handle this kind of business. People who reacts   lieve in gender equality. Male  and  female   coffee people alike are all members of the   culturally in this diverse world we are living
                            coffee community that we love.        in. As Amber said if everything we do, we do
                                Tomoka said she thinks by gaining more   it 100%, work speaks for itself, and when you
 We shouldn’t encourage gender war,   experiences in our own fields, the more we can   do good work people will see it. We should
                            handle in the daily job, the stronger we will be,
                                                                  never feel held back by it – somehow you got
 but we should make women’s voice   “I think it is important to create an environ-  to have that self-awareness and self-confidence,
                                                                  We need to believe in ourselves and our abili-
                            ment that is comfortable for women to work
 be heard, we should pass around   in, and we should all make effort to do that.”  ties and go after what we want, to know that
                                Suci said :“I hope every one of us, just focus
                                                                  you could do whatever you put your mind to,
 the positive messages and create   on identifying themselves, being open minded,   not what we’re told we should do.  Women must
                                                                  realize that they are often uniquely qualified
                            getting out there to listen and to be heard, being
 opportunity for women to act, to   independent  and  getting  stronger, there is  no   to fulfill leadership roles while believing oth-
                            excuse for anyone not to work harder!”  erwise. If you are fortunate enough to rise,
 improve the world we live in.  We have to admit, there’s always been   understand that yes you got there because of
                            gender gap, maybe physically, mentally even   your hard work.

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