Page 36 - CTI78_EN
P. 36
C Story / Teresa Fan
Strong Each of us got into coffee
for different reasons, and our
women experiences are all unique as
well. I’ve invited some of my
female friends in coffee for
make better this discussion.
Associations of woman in in fields manual work for coffee har- our experiences are all unique as well.
coffee industry vest, sorting, and very few to be seen I’ve invited some of my female friends
in trade, export or lab work. In a word, in coffee for this issue: Amber from
It seems that being a woman, one very few women are decision makers USA, who leads green coffee opera-
of the trendy topics today are: “gender in coffee business world. In this arti- tions in a world famous retail brand;
equality”, “woman empowerment”. cle, I will include opinions coming Tomoka from Japan who is in charge
During my research, I’ve read that from some of my friends at different of quality control and whole sales for
over the last decades, we’ve seen more age(including myself ), different micro-roasters in a trading house;
and more progress: more girls are countries and different segment of the Suci from Shanghai, she just started
getting education, fewer girls are coffee supply Chain. her own company for coffee equip-
forced into early marriage, more ment import and distribution busi-
women are serving in leadership po- Women’s roles in coffee ness after 8 years in retail operation;
sitions, and laws are being reformed supply chain Chengcheng as a consultant/owner of
to advance gender equality in many a coffee consulting company in Anhui,
countries in the world. However, we Like any other industry, in the she was the former Regional Manager
still see many challenges remain. Take workforce of coffee supply chain, of China and ASEAN of Coffee Qual-
the whole picture of the global coffee women’s role varies, each of us got ity Institute, just recently started his
industry, women tend to be presented into coffee for different reasons, and own consulting studio.
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