Page 35 - CTI78_EN
P. 35


 Being a foreigner,   leagues and bosses were not happy to have them
               back after giving birth. Last year, a Japanese
 sometimes I’m   governor took paternity leave (just two hours
               per day) and it became big news. Most Japanese
 surprised to see   people criticised him a lot.
                      On the other hand, in the US, it’s be-
 the difference   coming more normal to take maternity/pater-

 between Japan   nity leave. My husband used paternity leave
               when we had a second child. He could use three
 and the US.   months, but he used two months in total and
               was paid 75% of his salary. I asked my husband
               what his colleagues and boss think about him
               taking paternity leave. He said that it’s a law,
               so who cares?

               The Juggle is Real

                   Motherhood taught me to be more tough
               and patient. To take care of kids, you have to
               be very patient. For example, sometimes my
               daughter wants to wear her clothes by herself.
               Even if we need to leave soon, I usually wait
 Paternity Leave & New Normal  for her. Any daily life activities including chang-
               ing, eating, even playing – kids are trying to
 As  of  2020,  Washington  State  started   figure out how to do all those activities by
 having a family leave program. I had my daugh-  trying. I also now always think, “How can I help
 ter in 2019, so there wasn’t any leave available   my daughter to get better with ____?”  I think
 for me at that time. I wish I could have used the   in order to train baristas or be an owner of cafe,
 policy. It could have helped us a lot. Especially   one needs this kind of patience. Now if I go
 with my first pregnancy. After I had my daugh-  back to work, I’m pretty sure that I will have
 ter, I stayed home for three months and then I   more patience and can help other baristas be-
 went back to work. If I could use the paid leave,   come better.
 I could get paid while I was taking maternity   As a mother of two, and especially
 leave. My boss felt sorry for me because she   because their ages are so close, I don’t think
 wanted to help me.   I can go back to work in the near future.
                                                                             A  R C  I N C L I N E
 Same year I had my son. I was not work-  However, it doesn’t stop me from thinking   PARALLEL  PARALLEL PLUS
 ing so I couldn’t use family leave then, either,   about coffee and starting a new business.
 but my husband was able to. He could use 12   With my husband’s help, I started teaching
 weeks paid leave. That helped us a lot because   people how to use an espresso machine and
 we have a daughter who is still 14 months old   grinder properly at home. Also, I help cli-
 that time and because of COVID-19, we could   ents, who never had a coffee business be-
 hardly get any help from friends or family. My   fore, to start it. This way, I can still be with
 husband used the paid leave and he could stay   my  kids  and  stay  in  the  coffee  industry.
 home  and  take  care  of  our  daughter  and  do   Eventually, I would like to open my own
 house chores while I was taking care of our son.  coffee shop, so I can still be with my kids
   In my culture, it is very rare to take   and, at the same time, I can be a barista.
 paternity leave because Japanese still think that     I see many successful female baristas
 women  are  supposed  to  take  care  of  kids  at   who have kids and have a great careers so
 home. Not men. After giving birth, women are   I’ll tell you this: Don’t neglect your kids.
 expected to quit. It has started changing a bit,   They need you and you can always come
 but I still hear from my friends that their col-  back to work later.

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