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Lifelong employment and long children and quit. So men won’t take it seri-
working hours are still common ously when women try to build a career or
in Japan. Women who need
become skilled at something. For example,
flexibility or shorter hours to
during this COVID-19 situation, one of my
give birth and raise children are
still at a disadvantage when it friends in Japan told me that she is still works
comes to climbing the remotely and is takes care of the kids who
corporate ladder. usually go to school. However, even if her
husband also works remotely, he doesn’t help
her with house or taking care of the kids. It
is still common that people in Japan think
that the man goes to work and the woman
stays home and takes care of it. Also, if you
become pregnant and try to take a maternity
leave, usually you can’t go back to work. I
have several friends who, after getting preg-
nant, couldn’t go back to work even if they
hoped to return.
One more example is how we get paid.
In Japan, usually you don’t ask for raise. You
will just wait until your boss will give you a
If You Want Something Done, raise according to your performance. Here
Ask a Woman in the US, you have a chance to talk to your
boss about raises. At first, I felt really uncom-
In 2012 I lived in Toronto, Canada. One fortable to talk to my boss in the US about
day I went to the coffee shop in Kensington how I deserve a raise, but now I think it’s fair
Market. I was excited to be there because the that I have a chance to use my voice. My
coffee shop was really cute and it had fresh- husband told me interesting point: he said
ly roasted coffee, fresh pastries and very busy that men are more likely to ask for raise than
atmosphere, where the baristas were working women. So my husband guided me on how
energetically. I drank my first brewed coffee to ask for raise. I was able to successfully talk
and espresso shot there. I was shocked how it through with my boss and got a raise. I was
tasty they were. When I tried the coffee, I so nervous at that time, but not anymore.
immediately asked a manager if they were Working as a barista, I’ve only had a
hiring. I gave my resume to the manager and chance to work with few male colleagues—I’ve
she interviewed me right there. She said, “You mostly worked with women. I haven’t noticed
don’t have any experience to work at a coffee that much difference in how male and female
shop.” I said, “Yes, but I have to start from baristas are treated in the US. I don’t see any
somewhere. You won’t regret hiring me.” I particular tasks which only male or female
got the job and she told me to start working can do. However, I’ve noticed that roasters
from next day. I worked at Moonbean Coffee are usually male. I also see more male baris-
Company for two years. There I became a tas at latte art competitions. When I was in
trainer for new employees, made new special university, I remember we invited a CEO
drinks, managed the social media and roast- from one of famous coffee shops in Wash-
ed coffee. When I left Toronto, my manager ington to our business class for an interview.
Photo / Tony Wan
told me, “Like you said, I didn’t regret hiring He was asked if he only hired female baristas
you at all.” My coffee adventure started from and his answer was this: “There are some
Moonbean. Now I’m deeply in love with male applying for barista position. However,
coffee and coffee industry. usually female baristas are good at multi-task-
Being a foreigner, sometimes I’m sur- ing, cleaning and having good intuition. So
prised to see the difference between Japan even though we hire male baristas, sadly they
and the US. In Japan, people still think that don’t last long.” I still think it was an inter-
usually women get married and quit, or have esting point.
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