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We Drink,
We Desired
W ith Generation Z gradually captured this market niche with its ‘tea +
wine’ model, and was able to enthrall people
becoming the majority of con-
sumers, the new-style tea
drinks made to meet their with its unique products and experiences.
preferences have evolved into a variety of Less Alcohol, More Booze Flavor
alternatives. Previously we would not have
thought that the milk tea shop could cover Since he started working on WeDrink
an area of 1,000 square meters, nor did we foresee that tea in March 2017, founder Junwei Huang has not minded putting
could be mixed with coffee and alcohol, sprouting various his brand into the group of new-style tea drinks, and has kept
special drinks. Although alcoholic beverages have a certain WeDrink’s product distinction with a novel model of ‘tea +
market in Asia, they are not as influential as coffee and new- wine’. Although leading brands in the Chinese market have
style tea drinks, while the increasingly popular light-alcohol- joined similar categories one after another, WeDrink’s unique
ic tea drinks in China have begun along the road to ‘conquer’ approach to the fusion of alcohol and tea is still their trump
the young consumers. card in this market segment. “From the tastes I’ve had, most
HEYTEA, seen as the industry’s leading brand, launched of the new-style tea drink brands are making mixology prod-
an alcoholic tea drink in the third quarter of 2018, with Nayu- ucts that dilute a lot of the flavor of the alcohol,” commented
ki’s indie tea bar following close behind, and LELECHA Huang, “But from the perspective of the consumer, since I’ve
launching a new fruit beer with the help of co-branding. Even chosen to consume for the sake of drinking, it has to feel like
before that, WeDrink, a local tea brand from Shanghai, had the alcohol is there.”
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