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C Photo /Matchmaker Coffee
At the other end of the planet, Tailor Your Products
Suneal Pabari from Canada has a different
perspective. Six years ago, due to the If The Roasters Pack is all about variety,
dissatisfaction with then coffee subscrip- Matchmaker Coffee is about personal experi-
tion services, he and business partner ences. The uniqueness of Matchmaker lies in
Adam Frank established The Roaster its matchmaking-like approach to help cus-
Pack, a coffee subscription brand that tomers find their taste in coffee. “Our goal is
provides a variety of coffees to its sub- to roast coffee that is consistent, delicious,
scribers. “We feature three different and affordable for our customers,” Pabari
coffees from different Canadian coffee shared. But the fun part is how individual
roasters every month,” Pabari introduced. customers find their taste through a blind
“We try so hard with The Roasters Pack tasting pack, in which each coffee is identified
to showcase delicious coffees, go deep on with numbers only. “With the Matchmaker
origins, explain brewing and provide Blind Box, our intention is to have six coffees
guides and more.” in the box that showcase the range of what
But he found that not everyone wants you could get with coffees (high acidity, big
variety. “That’s where Matchmaker (an fruit notes, heavy roast, big body, savory
evolution or spin-off from The Roasters notes, etc.),” explained Pabari.
Pack) comes in.” With two different By developing a comprehensive al-
brands, Pabari can provide tailored prod- gorithm, or scoring system, the team at
ucts and services to different targeted Matchmaker manages to solve the com-
customers. Also, as the co-founder of munication ‘issue’ that may occur be-
Matchmaker, he is proud of their ‘trick’ to tween the customer and the team. “Every
find target customers and their ‘real’ taste coffee we include in the blind box is
preference. “Only a segment of coffee scored on a variety of characteristics by
drinkers care about the depth we as spe- our team — and with that, we’re able to
cialty roasters are going to in order to have look for patterns in what people are ap-
a really good cup of coffee,” Pabari argued. preciating about their coffee,” Pabari
“Most people just want a coffee that they said. “We’ve designed an algorithm that
personally find delicious, that they can rely helps provide initial recommendations,
on to start their day!” which we’re using as a guideline.”
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