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Who’s your target? American markets respectively. Meanwhile, [1] Only a segment of coffee drinkers
To Matchmaker, its target market is any- local inspirations in Japan like Japanese teas QAWHA’s
one who is looking for coffee that stays consis- from Matcha to Sencha Tea, from Roasted #BrewHome: care about the depth we as specialty
tent, tastes delicious, with affordable prices. Green Tea to Genmaicha Tea are available
Identify who is your targeted customer on the menu. Everyday from 13:30 roasters are going to in order to have a
and the needs that they don’t even notice can to 14:00 via
be really helpful to expand your businesses. What kind of solutions can you offer? really good cup of coffe.
If you explore a new or foreign market, in- Product experience: With the case
depth research/surveys, ranging from con- of Matchmaker, customers’ blind taste test
sumer shopping habits/preferences to local is not just for them. It can be a fun game or
customs or culture, should be conducted to experience for you to do with others. “It’s
make sure you are making the right move or fun, something that you can do with your
strategy with new launches or products. friends or families, and then you get to
Also, you need to realize that you are not score the coffees and provide notes on what
alone. With more tools and technologies avail- you liked,” Pabari suggested. “We’re bring-
able for people across different sectors, busi- ing a cupping session to your home.” What’s
ness owners can achieve more. “As you can see more, you will find difference/preference
a new retail category like Hema Fresh,” Izaki in coffee among your loved ones, which can Photo /Matchmaker Coffee
mentioned. “Technology helps us to be very be really interesting!
productive, but at the same time, a human is Contingency solution: During this
very important to increase or double that pro- special period of time, what can you offer
ductivity of the sales for business.” to your customers if your shops are closed
But don’t misunderstand here, it due to lockdown or you’re grounded at
doesn’t mean that technology and human home? Izaki’s QAWHA now runs online
beings would compete against each other coffee gathering called #BrewHome [1] on
but actually side by side. Zoom every day. “I’d like to provide people
to hang out with coffee and feel connected
What kind of problems are you trying with somebody online and share coffee
to solve? breaks with people to feel peace in their
Localized taste: Founded in 2007, minds,” he said.
the California-based Verve Coffee Roasters Izaki said that his inspiration comes
now has stores in both the United States from his personal experience that is all
and Japan. In the past nine years, it has about focus on what you are good at. “It
grown from a local coffee shop in Santa means that you also need to have guts to
Cruz, CA into a world-famous coffee com- give up attractive offers if it’s not your
pany with 11 locations. The number of field,” he explained, “but I understand that
employees has grown to surpass 200 from to highlight your brand is long-term work
six at the beginning. In Japan, Verve has and small decisions would make huge dif-
two locations, Shinjuku Station in Tokyo ferences at the same time.”
and Kamakura Yukinoshita in Kanagawa. “So one of the key elements for me
It’s worth noting that taste preferences in still being in demand as a coffee consultant
different countries matter a lot, say the is that I am patient and defeat temptation,”
United States and Japan. You will see exclu- he confessed. So to you as an owner, what’s
sive blends or roasts for the Japanese and your secret for your business success?
Matchmaker Coffee
Suneal Pabari and Adam Frank established
Matchmaker Coffee after the success of their first
brand, The Roasters Pack, in Canada. Matchmaker
is available in both Canada and the USA.
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