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C Story / Timothy Heinze
A s I finish pouring water over my sharing the stories and introducing the world
freshly ground, YiWu Natural
to the amazing people of Yunnan.
Farmers in Yunnan have unique challeng-
coffee and take the first sip, I’m
reminded how the pleasure of es and opportunities set before them. Com-
enjoying an amazing cup of coffee is nothing pared to countries where large-scale coffee
short of a miracle. When you consider the production has a long history, Yunnan is rela-
journey coffee takes from its birthplace to your tively young and still gaining experience.
cup, the conditions and opportunities working However, in a short amount of time, farmers,
against it are immense. The two heroes of the processors, and producers have jumped leaps
story —— the farmer and the roaster —— work- and bounds forward in the pursuit of quality.
ing in tandem to deliver an exceptional prod- They have taken steps to adjust their growing
uct that invites the consumer in and tells them practices, layout of their mills, and attention
of this journey. This bringing together of both to detail that all have contributed to increases
sides of the industry is what I have been hon- in quality. Not to mention, they have an in-
ored to strive toward over the last decade quisitive and curiosity that drives innovation
working in coffee. Being at the forefront of and experimentation.
producing specialty quality coffee in Yunnan Over the last few years, one can find
and sharing this with the world has been an coffees with various fermentation protocols,
honor. During this time, I have seen wonderful processing specialties, and unique recipes that
advances on the ground and roasters across set these coffees apart. Farmers are innovating
the world taking note of this hard work and with the use of new technology like color
innovation. sorters for coffee fruit, hydraulic separators at
Yunnan coffee is continuing to make its the wet mil for sorting based on density, and
mark in Europe, Australia, the USA and many various fermentation vats all focused on in-
more specialty coffee markets. Companies like creasing quality and consistency. So, what can
Square Mile in London, 19 Grams in Berlin, we expect to see coming out of Yunnan over
LaColombe in the USA, and many more are the next several years?
Photo / Bryon Lippincott for YCT
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