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P. 106
T Tea
more and more new tea brands start to focus on the safety and
health benefits of their drinks. Meanwhile, when choosing drinks,
customers now don’t only care about the taste or price but also
about nutrition content and effect on health. That is how, freshness
and naturalness stand out as crucial points when choosing a drink.
To develop an excellent drink, numerous elements must be paid
attention to during research process: traceability of ingredients,
balance between nutrition and taste, accordance with consumption
tendency, and market potential. The pursuit of naturalness and Organic
healthiness is a growing global trend. Coffee and tea both are Tea-flavored
natural and healthy drinks welcomed by the whole world, and each
has a huge consumer group. “Coffee beans used by Nagi Kyoto Richness
come from Columbia, Indonesia, Tanzania, Brazil and Mexico. Acidity
Compared with other similar products in the market, Nagi Kyoto
promises to never add any synthetic spices to improve its fragrance.
On the other hand, the four types of Uji tea used by Nagi Kyoto
are Houji, Sen, Ban and Muji”, says Satsuki Song. He also added Non-Organic
that during research and development process, the Uji tea was
mostly from Kyoto, and they selected coffee according to the taste bitterness Caffeine
of tea leaves. As the major ingredient is coffee, it’s “coffee with
the fragrance of tea”, Nagi Kyoto has many variants of the drink:
cool or hot, as well as different flavors. Add milk and little sugar, Green Teacoffee Sen
the flavor will be amazingly new again. It can be said, Nagi Kyoto
can satisfy different preferences of different customers. Richness: the sweetness of a high-quality
Among all the variants of Nagi Kyoto, the Muji coffee uses deep-steamed green tea with the acidic
beans processed in a way named “Mountain Water Process”. taste of a light-roasted coffee
As Muji itself doesn’t contain caffeine, this variant doesn’t
contain caffeine either. Its mild taste can be suitable for
children and pregnant women.
Will the new sensation set a new trend?
All over the world different people gather in tea houses and
cafes, and it has become a reflection of the society or the times.
Chinese people care about the freshness of tea, while coffee
often leaves the impression of being strong. As the result,
people often see coffee and tea as parts of Western and Eastern
cultures. Nevertheless, coffee has become a necessity to many
people, as well as tea, that plays an important role in daily life.
But will the brand-new combination of coffee and tea become
the next trend? If you think about it, with rising interest to
coffee and traditional love to tea, it’s not difficult to launch
such a product considering taste, healthiness and production
technologies. The key problem that might occur is China’s food 1 Uji tea is one type of Japanese green tea. It’s
security insurance system which will create some barriers to called Uji tea, because tea merchants in Kyoto adopt
new product launching. What’s more, no one is sure about the the process used in Uji district in Kyoto to process
potential market demands for this kind of product. tea leaves from Kyoto, Nara, Shiga and Mie. It’s one
Whether or not products like Nagi Kyoto can succeed, at least of the three famous tea kinds in Japan, and is a
for youngsters who know how to enjoy life and are willing to high-end brand of Japanese green tea. When talking
about Uji tea, people often think of Matcha. In fact,
try new things, the birth of a new type of drink will bring one there are more types of Uji tea except for Matcha,
more choice. Only diversification can create more possibilities. such as Houji, Sen and Ban.