Page 104 - #64 eng 电子版
P. 104

T    Tea

        There is no limitation to

        human imagination.

        what involves a lot of work. Whether it’s tea or coffee,   drinking tea. In contrast, China put too much emphasis
        the aroma composition is complex. Non-fermented tea,   on protecting tradition. As a result, unique Chinese tea
        half-fermented tea and fermented tea are quite different   culture has been preserved. However, the business de-
        from each other, as well as their aromas as different   velopment  is  getting  harder  and  harder  when  dealing
        production methods will affect the flavor of coffee. A   with youngsters who have been exposed to foreign
        mixture made from them faces the risk of imbalance in   culture since childhood.
        flavor, such as being too sour, bitter or strong, and thus   Coffee and tea, two different drinks, are neither supe-
        becomes inferior, even if only small mistake has been   rior nor inferior to one another. But for now, coffee
        made when it comes to amount and proportion.   seems to be more popular among young people. Why?
        What makes Nagi Kyoto to stand out is its combination   It in some way indicates a culture invasion of more
        of tea’s freshness and coffee’s mellowness, which are   advanced areas. As a part of Western fashion, no wonder
        not dependent on one another in one way, and at the   coffee is welcomed by young Chinese.
        same time are mixed and spread in the mouth togeth-  You may see Nagi Kyoto as coffee, but actually at its core
        er. Have a cup of Nagi Kyoto, and you’ll enjoy green   is Uji tea , Japanese cultural heritage. Japan is one of
        tea’s sweetness and coffee’s bitterness at the same   those rare developed countries where Western culture
        time, a very special taste.                    and Eastern tradition coexist and blend in. Consequent-
        This marvelous idea of a mixture of coffee and tea comes   ly, Japan has developed outstanding culture and export-
        from a complaint of one Japanese restaurant’s chef: “Why   ed it to the world. Before the birth of Nagi Kyoto, there
        is only tea offered after Japanese dinner and no coffee?”   was already one outstanding drink, Matcha Coffee, a
        This inspired the team to start communicating with famil-  variant of coffee with defining Japanese characteristics.
        iar coffee and Uji tea masters and testing and tasting, and   Its typical Asian flavor has strongly affected Westerners’
        finally, here comes Nagi Kyoto.                taste.
            Reflecting: Tradition or Innovation?        Tending: Is freshness more important than
        As it is well known, tea culture originates from China.
        Chinese has five-thousand-year history of drinking tea.   It used to bother Chinese tea suppliers that young peo-
        However, traditional Chinese tea houses are on the wane,   ple are not into drinking tea. However, in recent years,
        while young customers’ interests have already shifted   various special and innovative forms of tea have sprung
        to more “high-end” cafes. The problem is that, business   up to satisfy the diversified tastes of young customers,
        revolution forces the drink to keep updating itself.  But   and consumers’ need for “good” drinks keeps growing.
        for  Chinese  tea,  there  are  a  gap  and  a  contradiction   New forms of tea are becoming popular among more and
        between slow paced traditional culture and fast growing   more youngsters. The amount of new pairings for tea
        market’s demands. Almost every type of food will change   are beyond people’s imagination: milk foam, fruits, soda,
        in some way according to the tastes of local residents   yeast, rum- just to name a few. This innovation in forms
        and their customs. The British developed a habit of   is definitely a new direction of tea industry development.
        adding sugar to tea soon after Chinese tea was first   If the recipe is easy to copy, people will more likely
        traded  to the  UK. With  black  tea becoming  gradually   accept it as it will be more  understandable. For example,
        popular, the French began to pour milk into tea, which   customers have already gotten used to cheese milk foam
        set another trend-by now a tradition. Furthermore,   which was first created by Heytea.
        Europeans invented convenient tea bags, instant tea,   Consumption  forces  F&B  industry  to  rise  the  quality.
        iced tea  and  so  on,  in addition to  traditional  ways of   Except for emphasis on young people’s flavor preference,

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