Page 62 - CTI65eng-Emaga
P. 62
c People
Compared with first-tier cities
like Beijing, Shanghai, and
Guangzhou, a small town gives
you more sense of achievement.
of utensils. They were working as a team. ty man,” he said at the event. This is also his
Anyone would be amazed by how good catchphrase all the time. Asked why he de- Generation Z
they were in executing and reaching their cided to run this coffee project in such a
targets. It seemed they already abtained small third-tier town, where speciality Born: 1995-2012
both good skills and right attitude to be coffee shop is a rare thing to see, Eric an- Coming of Age: 2013-2020
professional Baristas. swers that it is his passion,”Compared with Current Population: 23
KCCW, which stands for Kids Can first-tier cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and million and growing rapidly
Change The World, was initially set up as an Guangzhou, a small town gives you more
educational institution aimed to develop sense of achievement, because getting good
kids’ EQ. The coffee project, which started education here can change a life of a child,
two years ago, is part of their education or even a whole family, while in big cities,
program. Here they learn how to work as a it is just like a frosting on the cake.”
team and solve problems with joint efforts With Eric’s trust and persistence, this
through learning about coffee. Today, group of gen Z baristas grew rapidly. Nine-
KCCW has professional coffee equipment year-old Xu Xiaoduo has started his one-man
and their own space, funded, designed and company “BLUE”. 12 year old Guo Yuliang
built by the kids, just like what the name of is leading the “FCA Four Men Legion”. And
KCCW stands for. there are more examples like this. “ET”
Eric, founder of KCCW, was the first works with 102 local Yunnan coffee bean
one to come up with idea about this coffee farmers and helps improve their bean qual-
project. His background in the education ity and sales. “Huanxing” has designed a
field helps him understand KCCW as a plat- special menu based on 6 EQ tests from
form that should expose kids to more com- America. “SBZ Bicarbonate Zoo” has its
prehensive knowledge and build uncondi- business covering the whole coffee industry
tional trust in their skills and abilities. That’s chain. Learning and working with coffee has
why he has taken the kids to major interna- been an eye opening experience, leading to
tional coffee events multiple times. Besides a bigger world.
that, what he does most of the time is sup- Niuniu, the youngest member, is mature
porting them quietly like one of their par- beyond his age, even though he comes to the
ents. “That’s their own job; they have to cope class with his grandmother. His fantastic skills
by themselves. I am just being their securi- in pourover have earned him an opportunity