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P. 89
The colder the
water, the longer the
leaves stay in water,
the richer the
To quench your thirst For afternoon sipping To start your day
on a sunny day
The brewing of artisan iced tea There are countless reasons to
Lemonade, a classic thirst came to the forefront with the cold celebrate summer and endless blends
quencher perfect for summer, is also brew coffee movement. Cold brew, to celebrate with. The health halo of
great for innovation. Give the classic with a less bitter taste, concentrates smoothies makes consumers feel good
lemonade a twist this summer by add- the extraction of the most volatile about gulping. So, take advantage of
ing summer fruity flavours, colours flavour from leaves through pro- the seasonal fresh produce, unleash
and bubbles to stay cool with your longed steeping. Try pairing summer your creativity and invent your signa-
customers! fruit flavour with single origin tea to ture summer smoothies for your new
tell a good story. summer drink menu today!
natural fruit flavours with no Co-Creation Drives Suc-
artificial colourings and sweet- cess - We follow a philosophy of
eners. No more sourcing costly co-creation by crafting each new
fruits out of season. product and recipe with real
Multi-Sensory Approach - baristas and mixologists, using
We understand how senses influ- sensory science to help create
ence the popularity of a drink deeper connections with consum-
and how flavour creates a deeper ers.
connection with consumers. We Pick and pair from our selec-
use advanced flavour technology tion of summer flavours to en-
to help protect the subtle fla- hance your concoction with Da-
vours and volatile aroma from Vinci Gourmet. Contact your local
escaping. The technology will sales representative or distributor
Insp ira ti o n fo r DaVin ci produce an end-product capable for more information and tastings.
Gourmet’s real fruit mixes: of delivering flavours that are
Ingredient is Key - We are vibrant and natural; aromas that
serious about our craft. At Da- are rich and fresh. In addition,
Vinci Gourmet, every product is we have used less processed fruit local-distributor
meticulously crafted in single concentrates to preserve the
batches using carefully selected natural fruitiness of each fruit.
high-quality ingredients. We Drink makers can now use these
have managed to capture the true “tools” to delight consumers by
fruit essence at the peak of ripe- unlocking a multi-sensory expe-
ness in every bottle by adding rience through their drink mas-
almost 50% real fruit pulp and terpiece.