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C offee Bean & Tea Leaf was estab- Mr. Feroz told us that, almost all of their
stores are using Scotsman ice makers. They
lished in the United States in
1963. 2017 was their 20th anni-
in the United States, and they have already
versary of entering Malaysia. In started using Scotsman when they were still
November 2017, during the Kuala Lumpur “I used this brand for nearly 40 years. Scotsman
Love Coffee & Tea” Expo, we met Mohd ice machine is the only machine that can
Feroz, Vice President in APAC of Coffee Bean help them produce ideal nugget ice. Coffee
& Tea Leaf. He told us why Malays love iced Bean & Tea Leaf serves various types of iced
drinks so much. drink. They choose nugget ice due to its
In this muggy afternoon, There are 85 stores of Coffee Bean & unique characteristics:
inside a store of Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf in Malaysia at present, of which The particles are well distributed and
Tea Leaf, our talk with Mohd 85%-90% are in shopping malls that have air vey close to each other. The size is small,
Feroz has come to an end. conditioners. Malaysia is a country with which makes the cube easy to be placed;
With a cup of iced Americano tropical rainy climate. The temperature here Low water content and slow melting
in his hand, Mr. Feroz will go
to his next work. He seems is high all the year round with little fluctua- rate that allow the cube not to affect the
already used to the weather in tion. It’s always muggy and rainy. Because of drink’s flavor easily ;
Malaysia, and a cup of iced this, sales of iced drink accounts for 60% of Easy to be chewed just like jelly
drink will bring him coolness the total sales of Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. The sweets. Refreshes the flavor when the drink
and freshness.
change from one season to another season is mixed with ice;
has little impact on this. Customers are used Suitable for making smoothie or milk
to drinking hot coffee along with breakfast shake once broken into pieces.
but iced drink in the afternoon or evening. All these characteristics make Scots-
It’s also interesting that in Malaysia, almost man ice machines the best choices for Coffee
all the cafes serve meals. That’s because Bean & Tea Leaf. Because Coffee Bean & Tea
Malaysia is deeply affected by the coffee Leaf only uses one type of ice, they have to
culture in Southeast Asia, and the large group develop more types of products and recipes
of Chinese here consider meals as a must. A to go with nugget ice. The menu is updated
café without meals cannot attract many cus- frequently, and seasonal or holiday special
tomers no matter how delicious its coffee is. items are provided time and again. Using
The high sales of iced drink in Malaysia Scotsman nugget ice as the base, Coffee Bean
force Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf to put more & Tea Leaf experiments with different types
emphasis on development of new types of of drink, and adjusts the amount of ice used,
iced drink and improvement of the quality. in order to reach and balance a great taste.
Among other things, the choice of ice cubes How to make a better use of nugget ice to
used is a key factor. That’s why an ice maker produce drink is a necessary part of baristas’
with stable performance is very important. training in Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.