Page 78 - #45 English
P. 78

        Article by: Sutdrip
        Photos by: CTI Team, Sigep
                    Introduction to Gelato

                                  Let’s get into the world of Gelato,   The freezer kept the liquid mixture constantly in motion
                               shall we? According to the famous gelato   and kept it cool throughout, making a product that was
                               book, “The gelato of Angelo Grasso”, the   no longer granular or grainy, but deliciously creamy. This
                               word “Gelato” humbly means a delicious   is where the history of industrial ice cream began, as the
                               dessert eaten with a spoon that must be   product contained more air and was less dense.
                               served and consumed at a temperature      Gelato Today: After the Gelato technology has
                               below the freezing point. To define Gelato,   gotten so advanced, and people love Gelato! More flavor,
                               it is divided into two families, “Gelato” and   more schools, more competitions, more artisans, and even
                               “Sorbets”. The ingredients of Gelato which   museums for Gelato emerged. The foodservice industry
                               makes it creamier as a product are milk,   tries to combine technology with experienced Italian tech-
                               cream, powdered milk, condensed milk, or   niques – to consistently produce the creamiest, smoothest,
                               other derivatives. Unlike Sorbets which do   most flavorful gelato.
                               not contain any dairy product.
                        Gelato History: So, who first discovered Gelato?
                    Gelato is an age-old delicacy that dates back thousands
                    of years. A common belief is that Marco Polo brought
                    ice cream back to Italy from his adventures in China.
                    However, evidence does suggest that it was, in fact, in
                    China that the earliest ice-cream making practices were
                    developed, by adding rock salt to the mixture to increase
                    its hardness. These first ice creams did not contain milk
                    or cream in it, and resembled much more sorbet or Ital-
                    ian Ice. The early stages of frozen desserts are recorded
                    in 3000 B.C. Five hundred years later, it became a norm
                    for Egyptian pharaohs to offer their guests a cup of ice
                    sweetened with fruit juices. Italians joined in and so as
                    the Romans and the French.
                        It was during the Italian Renaissance when the great
                    tradition of Italian gelato began. The legendary Medici
                    family in Florence sponsored a competition, searching for
                    the ultimate frozen dessert. Buontalenti sponsored by the
                    Medici family to prepare a beautiful feast and presented
                    the King of Spain with a creamy frozen dessert that we
                    now call gelato. Some say, Buotalenti is the Founder of
                    Gelato!                                             More Flavors: amazingly, shops are really giving
                        Later, Gelato made its approach to the Americas for   customers’ taste buds new gelato experiences by intro-
                    the first time in 1770, when Giovanni Basiolo brought it   ducing new way of consuming Gelato as entrée or savory
                    to New York City. At this point, there were two types of   Gelato. Countless number of flavors were introduced;
                    Gelato as mentioned earlier – one made by mixing water   salmon, wasabi, sweet olive, funnel, artichoke, tomato-
                    with fruits such as lemon and strawberries (also known   basil, carrot, blue cheese, and anchovy. Not only Gelato is
                    as Sorbetto or Sorbets), and another made by mixing milk   found in “Gelateria” or Gelato shops but also in fine-dining
                    with cinnamon, pistachio, coffee or chocolate. By 1846,   restaurants.
                    the hand-crank freezer technology was developed and
                    it has changed the way Americans made frozen dessert.

                       Bernardo Buontalenti  photo from:

                               The first hand-crank ice
                                      cream makers
                                     Photo courtesy:
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