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天 "Tian"                            慶 “Qing”                           永 “Yong”
         NATURE'S WAY                        HEARTFELT SERVICE                  EVER SUSTAINABLE
              Abiding by one's mission, with      Celebrating ourjoyous heritage,      Natural sustainability and always
         persistence                         responding to the heart of man     earnest quest for the best
              Tea is our mission, so we are com-     This renowned brand of traditional      Tea is a gift of nature, expressing the
         mitted to tea with dedicated perspicac-  tea reflects our centuries old heritage of tea   essence of time and the seasons, and its be-
         ity, working assiduously to unleash the   culture, with the finest fragrant tea, with a   neficence to the soil can be seen from the
         essence of the finest teas, to achieve the   robust taste sure to please, perfect to share   fine quality of the tea, while its passion for
         pinnacle of fine tea.               your favorite tea aficionados.     the soul is not merely grand, but eternal.
             "Tian Qing Yong" embodies this      Inheriting and continuing the       The Sung ci poem of Qin Guan de-
         steadfast mission, devoted to using the   dedicated spirit of this century old brand,   clares "tea is the joyful essence of earth,
         ultimate tea techniques, from the Qing   “Qing” signifies how we incorporate the   whose fragrance is nurtured by nature”.
         Dynasty to the present, with the best prac-  tea culture into contemporary lifestyles,   Tea is a gift of nature, and as we enjoy this
         tices of the Orient and Occident, ensuring   bringing the historically elegant expres-  essence of the seasons we recall its unique-
         the finest tea aesthetic."Tian Qing Yong"   sion into the modern style ofenjoying tea,   ness. "Yong" signifies eternity and sustain-
         has all the finest tea, water, utensils, and   ensuring all urbanites can take a page from   ability; thus the concept of "Yong" refers
         vision, all that we require is your partici-  the past and enjoy utter relaxation in care-  to our embrace of the eternal quest for the
         pation in sharing with us in enjoying the   free moments, as a cup of tea transports   perfect essence of tea, and our concern for
         finest of teas sure to please your discerning   one to the fresh air after the spring rains,   the soil which yields tea perfection; as it
         palate.                             for exquisite enjoyment of the beautiful   is only through our dedicated devotion to
                                             spirit of tea and its sentiments.  sustainability, and natural tea, that we are
                                                                                able to fulfill our pledge of faithful stew-
                                                                                ardship sure to satisfy you with tea you can
                                                                                trust as you enjoy every fragrant sip.

          Premium Chinese Tea                                     Artisanal Tea

          Jin Xuan Full  Mudan White  Alishan Dew- Freash Green  Honey Black   Chamomile   Peach Oolong  Osmanthus   Sakura Gen-  Tie Kuan Yin
          Leaf Oolong   Tea   drop Tea  Tea       Tea            Black Oolong  Tea   Oolong Tea  maicha    with Rose
          Tea                                                    Tea

              Preserved Fruit                                     Herbal Tea

              Chrysanthemum    Cinnamon Pickled   Smoked Honeyed
              Orchard Honey    Olives          Wumei Plums
              Lemon Honeyed
                                                                  Sweet weet   Wilderness   Chrysanthe-  Sweet and   Rose Blossom
                                                                  P Pouchongouchong  Celebration  mum Orchard Sour Party  Tea
                                                                                JASCAFFE CHINA CO., LTD.
                                                                                Call center : +86 400-820-3306
        Oolong Tea Hon-                           Sun Dried                     Phone : +86-21-33522299
        eyed Plums                                Cranberries
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